Il buco nell'ozono sull'Antartide è tornato a riformarsi. E' un fenomeno stagionale, anche se questa volta è un po' in anticipo rispetto al solito. Forse dipende dall'eruzione del vulcano #HungaTonga nel 2022
Hunga-Tonga - a Volcanic Eruption That Alarmed Scientists
#tomorrowtoday #volcanoes #eruptions #HungaTonga #HungaHa'apai #Villarrica #Eifel #magma #carbondioxide #PhlegraeanFields #Vesuvius
#vesuvius #phlegraeanfields #carbondioxide #magma #eifel #Villarrica #hungaha #HungaTonga #eruptions #volcanoes #tomorrowtoday
This month’s record, and the longer recent period of warmth, are driven by a collection of several man-made* and natural factors acting together.
- anthropogenic global warming
- El niño/ la niña
- Solar cycles
- volcanic eruption of Hunga-Tonga
- cleaner marine fuels
Firstly, man-made* global warming has been raising the Earth’s temperature by about 0.19 °C/decade (0.34 °F/decade). This is a direct consequence of the accumulation of additional greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, especially carbon dioxide. This is the primary factor responsible for long-term warming.
(Probably you know this already, but I liked especially the other factors, as there is often talk about them, but seldom these factors are compared...)
* note: usually I would edit the quote to avoid "man-made", but in this case it makes sense: most fossil executives and heads of states are and were proud ... dicks?
#ClimateChange #ClimateScience #EarthClimate #SolarCycles #SolarCycle #MarineFuels #Volcano #HungaTonga #Climate #BerkeleyEarth
#ClimateChange #climatescience #earthclimate #solarcycles #SolarCycle #marinefuels #volcano #HungaTonga #climate #berkeleyearth
It's Not Just Climate Change: Three Other Factors Driving This Summer's Extreme Heat
#HungaTonga #Pinatubo #Volcanoes #ClinateChange #WaterVapor #GlobalWarming #HeatWaves
#heatwaves #GlobalWarming #watervapor #clinatechange #volcanoes #pinatubo #HungaTonga
by #HayleySmith in #LATimes:
"Ocean temperatures are so anomalously high that Eliot Jacobson, a retired mathematics professor who created the graph using data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, had to 'increase the upper bound on the y-axis,' he said."
#oceans #ocean #NorthAtlantic #Atlantic #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #climate #GlobalWarming #ElNiño #HungaTonga #NOAA #WorldMeteorologicalOrganization
#hayleysmith #latimes #oceans #ocean #NorthAtlantic #atlantic #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #climate #globalwarming #elnino #HungaTonga #noaa #worldmeteorologicalorganization
Today, international scientists discussed a protocol for simulating #HungaTonga -MIP (MIP: Model Intercomparison Project).
What happens if water vapor in the stratosphere 🔼10%, overnight?
Water vapor is a greenhouse gas… should temperatures increase?
Stratospheric water is scarce and much of the chemistry is controlled by the availability of water.
Does ozone get destroyed? OH?
I’m excited!
#climate #ClimateChange #volcano
#volcano #climatechange #Climate #HungaTonga
"Contrary to expectations, photosynthetic cyanobacteria were not detected in these sediments, even though they are typically dominant in the earliest stages of primary succession in other terrestrial environments. Instead, our results suggest that the early sediment communities were composed of a diverse array of bacterial taxa... likely sourced from nearby active geothermal environments"
Studying the colonization of a short-lived #volcanic island by microbial life:
I can't picture what 58,000 Olympic sized swimming pools looks like!
Looking back at the eruption that shook the world.
#ESA #Aeolus #HungaTonga #Volcano #Eruption
#esa #HungaTonga #volcano #eruption #aeolus
The greatest concentration of lightning ever recorded #LightningRecords #lightning #volcaniclightning #volcano #eruption #HungaTonga #GrandSolarMinimum
#grandsolarminimum #HungaTonga #eruption #Volcano #volcaniclightning #lightning #LightningRecords
Planet Labs captured this video with one of their 200 Earth-observation satellites. It’s an eruption of the underwater volcano Hunga Tonga last January.
More on their monitoring:
#Volcano #Eruption #Science #HungaTonga #NewZealand #Australia #Satellite #Earth
#earth #satellite #Australia #newzealand #HungaTonga #science #eruption #volcano
The eruption of the undersea Hunga Tonga volcano this past June sent millions of tons of water more than 93 mi/143 km above rhe Earth. The boundary of space is at 62 mi/100 km up. The eruption also reversed a current of charged particles in the ionosphere.
#HungaTonga #volcanoes #ionosphere #solarstorms #geology
Cool data view!
And the Southern Hemisphere extra-tropics were cooler than the rest of the world due to water vapour from #HungaTonga, I bet.
@terliwetter @vegos_f05 @coolinthegame
Aha. Am Vogel hat Özden sein altes Video zum #HungaTonga verlinkt gehabt. Und das konnte das Crossposting Tool nicht übersetzen. Merci.
Impresionante despliegue gráfico en este artículo periodístico
#Volcanos #Volcanes #HungaTonga
The ‘mind-blowing’ sea floor changes caused by Tongan volcanic eruption
#HungaTonga #volcanes #Volcanos
The ‘mind-blowing’ sea floor changes caused by Tongan volcanic eruption
#science #geology #Tonga #volcano #HungaTonga #HungaTongaHungaHaapai
#science #geology #tonga #volcano #HungaTonga #HungaTongaHungaHaapai
The ‘mind-blowing’ sea floor changes caused by Tongan volcanic eruption
#science #geology #Tonga #volcano #HungaTonga #HungaTongaHungaHaapai
#science #geology #tonga #volcano #HungaTonga #HungaTongaHungaHaapai
Ja. But we were talking of (the Southern Hemisphere) year-to-October and a probable effect of the water injection into the stratosphere in January.
October might be already too late for visual inspection of possible #HungaTonga eruption effects, I wouldn't know. (I don't know anything, really.)
OTOH, October in S-Africa and further South might also be a late effect of the H2O. Or it might be that without the eruption, the October anomaly would even be hotter for your neck of the wood.
Have a look at the middle of the year in the Southern Hemisphere, tho.
Altho La Nina in 2010 was more extreme than 2022, the anomaly from a 2010-2021 baseline is colder in 2022. Surprising, given that 2010 should have had a lower warming in the big scheme of climatechange-things than 2022.
So the #HungaTonga eruption has had a cooling effect due to the big increase in water vapour in the stratosphere in the South. Could be, it also increased photosynthesis, ie terrestrial carbon sink from more diffused sunlight which plants do like better than the direct blast of solar radiation.
All very intriguing for me. 🙂
Edwin L. Aguirre - Mathew Barlow's Animation Shows Shockwave Traveling Across the Globe:
#HungaTonga #Tonga #VolcanicEruption #Shockwave #GOESWest #AtmosphericPhysics #ComputerModeling
#ComputerModeling #AtmosphericPhysics #goeswest #shockwave #Volcaniceruption #tonga #HungaTonga