Officials of the Government of #StKitts and #Nevis, residents, citizens, and faith-based organizations came together on Monday, December 5, 2022, for a special service of praise and thanksgiving as the twin-island Federation was spared from any devastating impact during the 2022 Atlantic #HurricaneSeason, which was forecast to be an “above-normal” season but which turned out to be an average season.
#HurricaneSeason #nevis #stkitts
#2020已读 #HurricaneSeason
★★★★☆ 在贫穷偏远的小镇上,隐居的女巫惨死,由此牵扯出八个角色和小镇的黑暗面——乱伦、强奸、暴力、谋杀、吸毒......作者的风格初读非常惊艳:大量的长句,不断积蓄的情感,直至推进到全书结尾,激烈、暴戾、黑暗,非常抓人。尤其喜欢开头女巫之死这一章,文字营造出来的迫切感和不断渐强的冲击力。相比之下中后段就稍弱了些。不完美,但值得推荐。
#读书笔记 #HurricaneSeason
#读书笔记 #HurricaneSeason