Also removed the birdsite link from the web app footer today, and replaced it with a link here instead.
#Navalny said that he was sent to solitary confinement for #washing his face half an hour earlier than he was supposed to. He also reported having been deliberately put in a cell with a prisoner with poor #hygiene and severe flu symptoms.
He was previously given the same punishment for unbuttoning his #shirt, refusing to clean a #fence, and for failing to put his hands behind his back for three seconds while walking down a corridor.
#navalny #washing #Hygiene #shirt #fence
Nach einer #Covid19-Infektion mit recht mildem aber spürbarem #Verlauf bin ich wieder "frei" und gehe morgen wieder los.
Die 4. #Impfung hat wohl was gebracht. Wo ich mich angesteckt hatte, ist nicht nachvollziehbar, weil ich schon auf #Maske, #Abstand und #Hygiene geachtet hatte.
Schützt Euch!
#COVID19 #verlauf #Impfung #maske #abstand #Hygiene
Are you covering your face these days? Don't forget to cover your webcam! #Hygiene is for computers, too. ;)
#Hygiene #cybersecurity #privacy