#VCFMW was a lot of fun. And this old man is feeling just how fun it was. I arrived home late last night after a long drive. Not as long as some.
I’ll post a link to the #HyperCard panel video as soon as it’s up. I’ll also post links to the games I showed at the panel. Everything is MIT open source licensed for all your mixing needs.
I want to thank everyone who attended and especially the VCFMW staff. We couldn’t do this without you!
Links to a couple of my #HyperCard #Games.
I'll get Adventure! up as soon as it hits alpha quality.
@xodium @RetroViator yep Blogger is a PITA. I was on Posterous when they went belly up. Moved to Blogger.
I may just build an old fashioned web 1.1 blog and host it on my Macintosh Garden site.
Ah, I could write a #HyperCard blog manager that automagically generates html for the blog. That would be fun.
@ActionRetro That's really neat! And makes me think that #HyperCard could be ideal for making all sorts of things for touch screen navigation.
I found a bit of time to work on my #HyperCard text adventure game Adventure!
The move boxing effort is on hold until we can shift some boxes to the new place.
Fixing and refactoring the game editor. Realized tonight it would be easier to keep track of navigation into and out of the editor if it were moved to a separate stack from the game. Other than multiple stacks, the user isn’t going to notice.
Shared on the #HyperCard Discord: a code jam with Decker, the modern browser-based HyperCard!
Still busy working on the Adventure! #HyperCard stack.
Pace will slow for about a month as I am moving to a new home. At my age it’s becoming more difficult to do quickly. I sometimes miss the early days when a case of beer, a truck, friends, and pizza was all you needed to move in a day.
You can now watch the replay of tonight's interview with "Blah Blob" author Brian Kendall! #HyperCard #Macintosh #Retrogaming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fL7WvuVW1zs
#retrogaming #macintosh #HyperCard
Tonight @ 8pm Eastern! Join us as we talk about Blah Blob! with Brian Kendall.
"You are most likely to be eaten by a grue...."
The #HyperCard text adventure game has more to come. So far it has:
- Game editor for locations, objects, non-player characters.
- Health, strength, stamina, and magic stats
- An inventory of objects.
- Combat and looting the dead.
- Pick up, drop, use, and look at objects.
- Travel north, south, east, and west between locations.
- Look at themselves, NPCs, objects, and locations.
- You can use an object on it's own (like a lamp) or on an NPC.
Only 700 deaths! #Macintosh #HyperCard #RETROGAMING
#retrogaming #HyperCard #macintosh
Up next for the #HyperCard Adventure! Game. Not necessarily in the following order.
Tit-for-tat combat
Looting the dead
Making objects
Map and map editor
#HyperCard while “glamping”. Adventure game has object NPC interaction now. Tested “use object on NPC”. Wizard was blown to tiny bits with the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.
I hit the 30,000 character limit for a #HyperCard #HyperTalk script. Had to divide the script between the stack and the card. Time for bed.
Hello out there!
If you are a fan of my YouTube #HyperCard shenanigans and would like an Eric’s Edge sticker, send me an address and I’ll drop one or three in the mail to you.
I might randomly send some other goodies - like a #HyperCard stack icon button. I’ll send some internationally if the USPS can get it there.
And if you're curious about doing animation in #HyperCard for yourself, @ericsedge recently did a couple of streams about a few different ways to do it :D
Here are some #HyperCard #PixelArt animated icons I made way back in the day, hiding out on this LC :D
The #HyperCard text adventure #game is coming along. The commands at this point are:
Look At <object>
Talk To <NPC or object>
Use <object>
Take <object>
Drop <object>
Go <direction>
List Inventory
Next up will be interactions between NPCs and objects in use.
A rudimentary location editor is halfway finished. I'll be adding a dynamically generated map once the editor is done.