Do citizens trust the judiciary & EU institutions?⚖️🇪🇺
🔸Check your country's progress towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 16) ‘Peace, justice & strong institutions' in the interactive digital publication 'SDGs & me'.
Korruption stoppen!
Orbán ist korrupt wie kaum ein 2. Regierungschef in 🇪🇺. Jedes Jahr versickern Mrd bei seiner Familie & seinen Kumpels. Unregelmäßigkeiten bei Verwendung von EU-Mitteln waren in keinem anderen EU-Staat 2015-2019 so hoch wie in 🇭🇺.
Tackling fraud and corruption is everyone's right and responsibility.
The Multilateral Development Banks are #UnitedAgainstCorruption and committed to integrity & accountability.
This #AntiCorruptionDay stand with us and join the call
#UnitedAgainstCorruption #AntiCorruptionDay #IACD2022
#Corruption has economic, social & political costs
International & EU #anti-corruption efforts translate into a multi-layered policy and legal framework, which Parliament wants to strengthen
#IACD2022 @rglucks1 @jordisolef @krahmax @Assita_Kanko @mmatias_
Recently, #corruption has been addressed almost exclusively within the EU #RuleofLaw framework, a development criticised by stakeholders, inc the European Parliament
#IACD2022 #InternationalAnti_CorruptionDay @ITCO_Intergroup @daniel_freund @anticorruption
#Corruption #ruleoflaw #IACD2022 #InternationalAnti_CorruptionDay
Have you taken part in a public tender and noticed irregularities in the procedure? Keep in mind that there are EU-wide rules that can help you request a review by an independent body. Find out more on #YourEurope 👉
To fight #corruption, Parliament wants
▶️an EU global anti-corruption strategy
▶️enhanced support for anti-corruption capacity-building
▶️a strengthened EU anti-corruption framework
#IACD2022 #InternationalAnti_CorruptionDay @katka_cseh @leopoldolopezg
#Corruption #IACD2022 #InternationalAnti_CorruptionDay