We have forest fires, we have covid, we burn fuel in stoves and water heaters, there are VOCs - and all impact air quality, and because it's indoor air, it's not regulated.
ASHREA Standards 62.1 and 62.2 only affect new building design criteria.
Finally - The public health world is proposing a model ordinance regulating indoor air quality (IAQ) - YAY!!!! Thanks, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
#IAQ #CleanTheAir #smoke #asthma
#IAQ #CleanTheAir #smoke #asthma
Covid and similarly contagious harmful pathogens are public health issues.
The bare minimum---MIN-IM-UM---should be:
*Mandatory isolation periods (10 days, tbh)
*Mandatory masks in healthcare settings *Schools and workplaces who insist on in-person attendance should monitor #IAQ and use windows, HVAC, air purifiers, upper-room #UVGI---WHATEVER, to ensure a sanitary breathing environment
This is not unreasonable. This SHOULD be "the New Normal".
It became devastatingly clear to me, with the removal of mask mandates and no move to monitor and improve #IAQ that the NZ govt had abandoned us. The choice to drop mandatory isolation rules only reinforces that. All we have now is, essentially, community defense and #MutualAid.
Find your local Covid-conscious folks, stock up on masks, and continue to fight (as frustrating as it is) for schools and workplaces to recognise #COVIDIsAirborne.
#IAQ #mutualaid #covidisairborne #MaskUp #CleanTheAir #wekeepeachothersafe
@KiwiNikki @craftygardennz all we have now is mutual aid. I'm looking into bulk-ordering some Enovid and similar nasal sprays with local friends. Used before and after potential exposures, they can prevent infection or reduce viral load if it still takes. It was clear to me with the removal of mask mandates and no move to monitor and improve #IAQ that the govt has abandoned us, so connecting and helping each other locally is our best chance now.
@leighelse @ojala @BobLefridge @airshipper @rogerparkinson Last I checked, the only (non-medical) places in NZ who were visibly monitoring and improving their #IAQ were in Good Books and @hashigozake in Pōneke. I'd love to know of any others
@leighelse @ojala @BobLefridge @airshipper @rogerparkinson That's OK, like I said up thread, it's not like any of this has been communicated widely to the public. You basically have to follow aerosol scientists, HVAC engineers and hobbyist nerds to learn this. Or search hashtags, like #IAQ #corsirosenthalbox, #co2monitor, etc
It really blows how much we've been abandoned by reliable comms
#IAQ #corsirosenthalbox #co2monitor
Haven't said this in a bit, so
Indoor air quality (#IAQ) is the water sanitation of our time.
Schools, workplaces and hospitals should all be properly monitored and ventilated/filtered.
At the VERY least.
That is all.
#IAQ steht für Indoor Air Quality.
Meine beiden Messgeräte:
Luftqualitätssensor, €40: https://www.ikea.com/de/de/p/vindstyrka-luftqualitaetssensor-smart-00498231/
‣ TFA-Dostmann Aircontrol Coach, €75: https://www.tfa-dostmann.de/produkt/co2-monitor-airco2ntrol-coach-31-5009/
#IAQ für Indoor Air Quality. Die beiden Messgeräte:
Luftqualitätssensor, €40: https://www.ikea.com/de/de/p/vindstyrka-luftqualitaetssensor-smart-00498231/
2️⃣ TFA-Dostmann Aircontrol Coach, €75: https://www.tfa-dostmann.de/produkt/co2-monitor-airco2ntrol-coach-31-5009/
💀 🌐 🌬️
99% of the world's population breaths air exceeding health limits for pollutants, according to the World Health Organization [1]
Air pollution is the third global cause of death, responsible for 11.6% of annual deaths, resulting in 6.67 million dying* [2]
*Includes both indoor and outdoor air pollution.
[1] https://www.who.int/health-topics/air-pollution#tab=tab_1
Prof Richard Corsi
Because of changes to Twitter I'll keep this account but will tweet less & spend more time writing about #IAQ issues & uploading info at CORSIAQ.com. Hope to see you there! Until then, stay well & keep breathing cleaner indoor air. Just do it, folks!
South Korea: “…aims to have air-cleaning equipment installed in all classrooms in preschools, elementary schools and special education schools by the first half of this year, and at all middle and high school classrooms by the end of the year.” https://koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190327000802 (2019) #IAQ #luftfilter 🇰🇷
South Korea: “…aims to have air-cleaning equipment installed in all classrooms in preschools, elementary schools and special education schools by the first half of this year, and at all middle and high school classrooms by the end of the year.” https://koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190327000802 #IAQ #luftfilter 🇰🇷
Wer hat Interesse an einer Sammelbestellung in Berlin/Potsdam? Luftreiniger Trotec AirgoClean 250 E mit zwei HEPA13-Austauschfiltern, reduziert auf €180 plus Versand: https://de.trotec.com/shop/design-luftreiniger-airgoclean-250-e-plus-2-carbon-hepa-filter-3-in-1.html #luftfilter #IAQ #CovidIsNotOver
#Luftfilter #IAQ #CovidIsNotOver
Gotta start a master thread of #IAQ stuff, because people keep asking for evidence but don't wanna lift a finger to search...
Mask Use and Ventilation Improvements to Reduce COVID-19 Incidence in Elementary Schools — Georgia, November 16–December 11, 2020 | MMWR
#Aranet4 data logger capabilities allows one to simply calculate air changes per hour (ACH) by taking CO₂ decay data and plugging it in to a typical decay rate function.
The local facility manager continues to say these meeting houses are safe, to code and highly energy efficient! I agree only with the latter, 'energy efficient!" 😉
HT: @j_g_allen of Harvard for the equation
#SAFEindoorAir #IAQ #decayrate #CovidCO2 #CO2Warrior
#CO2Warrior #covidco2 #decayrate #IAQ #SAFEindoorAIR #Aranet4
Good summary article explaining what a CO2 sensor tells you - and what it doesn't.
#airquality #publichealth #ventilation #co2 #IAQ
Working from downtown library today , pleased to report *very* good ventilation on 4th floor non-fiction, coming in at 461-463ppm
#IAQ #PublicSpaces #library #vanwa
But in the absence of all other potentially relevant data, it's nonetheless an important tool for mere humans.
My snarky tone is NOT actually directed to poster; I'm still irritated by that #Atlantic piece.
SO get the #QPLite monitor: under $100 with #CO2, #PM25, #PM10, temp and humidity. Demonstrated to be comparable to #Aranet4, as my own observations affirm. Really a fan. Wish #libraries would loan these!!!
#IAQ #HealthyAir
#healthyair #IAQ #libraries #Aranet4 #pm10 #pm25 #co2 #qplite #atlantic