#socialcognition #measurement #replication #psychology
Amazing, honest blog by Chad Drake and his work with the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (#IRAP), a variant of the Implicit Association Test (#IAT).
"I wasted most of my research career on a measure that has been and continues to be misused and actually seems to be just about useless."
#IAT #irap #psychology #replication #measurement #socialcognition
Joshua Wright tried #ChatGPTwith his multiple choice exam and it got an 80%.
I tied a few so far. This is the first one it got correct. #IAT
This article reports multiple studies on anti-Muslim attitudes.
The data do not clearly support the main claim, but some results are interesting.
Most interesting for me:
It is the first PUBLISHED study that relates an IAT to shooter bias in the weapons' task.
No significant main effect!!!
This confirms our finding with real police officers (Andersen et al.).
#WhitePrivilege #SystemJustification #Jost #Nosek #IAT #Invalid #FalseFeedback #PseudoScientificRacism
So, can we know talk about Jost and Nosek's analysis of the Black unconscious?
#whiteprivilege #systemjustification #jost #nosek #IAT #invalid #falsefeedback #pseudoscientificracism
Psychology-slash-AI paper about how semantic similarity, as per a language model (word2vec), is statistically associated with behavioural congruence effects at the item level, based on data from an IAT variant:
#Psychology #AI #NLP #semantic #word2vec #IAT #bias #association
#association #bias #nlp #ai #psychology #IAT #word2vec #semantic
@mikulas_peksa Pominu-li blábolení elit, tak xenofobie v ČR byla "doložena" #IAT testy, zhusta publikovanými v západních médiích. Tyto testy nejsou zatím bez výhrad přijímané ve vědecké komunitě, mají kulturní a historické závislosti, které jinde rezonují zcela jinak (aneb nestejná sémantická ontologie).
Dělat jakékoliv závěry z toho, že měl nějaký brunátný pán "den blbec" a že "ČR má pověst xenofobní země" je dost odvážné... 🧐