Lehrgang Tag 3 - Heute wird die Prüfung geschrieben 😬 - #iata #icao #gdr (@ TÜV Süd Akademie in Munich, BY) https://www.swarmapp.com/c/3JHDaN2l8XS
Schule 🏫 #IATA/#ICAO #DGR (@ TÜV Süd Akademie in Munich, BY) https://www.swarmapp.com/c/2Fvy5cgYlfz
Congratulations to Mehmet Nane, CEO @flymepegasus who has today been nominated as the Chairman of the Board of @IATA. Looking forward to close cooperation, good progress in aviation #sustainability & the next #IATA Assembly in Turkey next year - DG Hololei. #IATAAGM
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Transport_EU/status/1538795645154230273
#sustainability #IATA #IATAAGM
RT @NewSverige: In the run-up to #IATA Aviation Energy Forum opening tomorrow in Munich, the New Weather Institute presents a study of global aviation’s climate plan. https://www.newweather.se/blogg/pie-in-the-sky-94tce-btcwf
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ParHolmgren/status/1530103160219615232