Had a great time at #ICBG2022 .much to think about. Impressed with bright and tenacious students asking all the right questions. many thanks to organizing committee @ICBG2022@twitter.com for inviting me. Was well looked after.
Reflecting on Yan Wong's questions at #ICBG2022 . Many working on SARS-CoV-2 are still thinking about the immediate public health response. But yes NOW is the time to look prospectively at possible sources of the next pandemic (bats, live animal markets etc).
My slide deck from #ICBG2022
"Our complicated relationship with microbes and how genomics can help".
At #ICBG2022 I reveal the secrets to starting your own national genomic surveillance system.
Thanks for my dear colleague for the initial quote.
#ICBG2022 reading about https://about.workflowhub.eu/
After Carole Goble's great talk
I've been listening to Ed Sheeran in anticipation.
RT @ICBG2022@twitter.com
🚀Exceptional keynote speakers
🗯Numerous short talks
📃Poster presentations
🍀Seisiún Gaeilge (Irish Session)
and more...
Registration 👇🏻 https://icbgsymposium.com/registration/
#ICBG2022 #bioinformatics #ComputationalBiology
RT @ICBG2022@twitter.com
📢FINAL CALL: Last day to register for #ICBG2022, don't miss out on this fantastic conference, register today at https://icbgsymposium.com/registration/