In GC 26, the #CESCR recognizes the importance of access to, use of & control over #land. But understanding land relations merely as #property relations limits the potential for protecting diverse human-land relationships, criticizes Gabriele Wadlig. #ICESCR
#cescr #Land #property #ICESCR
Foreign #Interference in #elections may not only violate the principle of sovereign equality among states but also the right to #SelfDetermination, argues Philipp Rothkirch (MPIL Heidelberg). #ICCPR #ICESCR
#interference #elections #selfdetermination #ICCPR #ICESCR
German Parliament finally ratified the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights #ICESCR, closing a huge #HumanRights gap in #Germany. This allows individuals to submit complaints to the #ESCRCommittee in #Geneva
#ICESCR #humanrights #germany #ESCRCommittee #geneva