I turned in a decent performance at the #ICFPContest — nowhere near the top of the scoreboard, but decent — and I think I can say that overall I had fun with it.
And that's despite coming down with a cold (which I thought was allergies but then the sore throat started…), plus being a little out of practice with actually writing code lately.
Also, this is a bit of a “we are so back”: the last year I did anything for #ICFPC was 2020 but I decided to ignore the actual problem and play with program analysis for that year's Weird Machine; 2017 and 2015 I got something working but my READMEs sound kind of angry at myself for not doing more, and I think 2014 was the last year I actually had fun.
Wowee, I'm glad I didn't go to sleep. Discovered a particular type of problems for which my solver is the best team-wide. Marginally, but still.
Now it's good night for sure!
I'm very happy with my performance at #ICFPC so far. After the first day, my solver has found four solutions that are best team-wide!
The #ICFPContest has started: https://www.icfpcontest.com/
So far this morning I've been, uh, trying to wake up, thinking about what tools I might want, and non-programming stuff (going to therapy, household chores, etc.). I'm not planning to be super-tryhard about this, but maybe I can have some fun with it.
Not sure what the hashtags are. #ICFPC #ICFPC2023?
#icfpcontest #ICFPC #icfpc2023
@nelaquetan потому что ты ещё не вступил в команду #TBD по #ICFPC!
Invitation link: https://zulip.memorici.de/join/bbfilgpw7h37ual43ijtq9yj/
#ICFPC tomorrow.
If anyone wants to join our team, which is really good, feel free to!
Finally a trophy. Orcish Bowmasters are insane. What a great card, honestly. Fair, but very powerful (in limited) and completely bonkers in #Legacy or #EDH.
https://www.17lands.com/deck/04899a3a0baf4e8db9deb935e6049542 <- Deck
https://www.17lands.com/history/04899a3a0baf4e8db9deb935e6049542/7/0 <- epic game!
That's it for me playing Magic for a while because I need to switch the gears of my brain to #ICFPC prep.
#ICFPC #magicthegathering #edh #legacy
It's cool that #projects is trending! Thank you, @simon!
I'll make this a thread about a project I'm contributing to for @pola's https://doma.dev.
It's a system for running test tasks to help hire #unity3d game developers.
We provide a sekeleton of the task and the candidates need to only add small additions to make it into a solution. Then the solutions are pitted against each other to rank them, incidentally ranking the candidates too. Think #ICFPC-lite.
This is the first benchmark AI! Hide your cubes, hide your edges, and hide your vertices too.
#unity #ICFPC #unity3d #projects
I remember we did something similar for one of the #ICFPC contests! It actually was a way smoother experience than I have expected.
That time when we got #ICFPC judge's prize.
The laugter after they ask which language did we use is priceless.
Well, we have switched to Rust and if someone wants to join #teamtbd, please do.
#WinThisYearPles #YearOfTBD #teamtbd #ICFPC