河北麻友子、「ICL」視力矯正で夫の顔もくっきり「うれしい」とのろけ連発 有吉弘行の結婚に“助言”も? https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1746919/model/
#cm #ICL #maidigitv #取材・リポート #有吉弘行 #河北麻友子 #芸能 #視力矯正
A belated announcement, but I’m thrilled to say that my short piece “Culpability in Atrocity and the Role of Complicit Observer” is under contract to be published in the Temple International & Comparative Law Journal later this year.
The editing process is still underway, so any comments or reactions are most welcome!
#Atrocity #AtrocityCrimes #StateViolence #InternationalLaw #InternationalCriminalLaw #ICL
#ICL #internationalcriminallaw #internationallaw #stateviolence #atrocitycrimes #atrocity
Year ahead- Emerging technology and the collection of battlefield evidence #ICL #IHL #OSINT
#warcrimes #humanrightsviolation #Nazi #Nuremberg2Now #Genocide #PIL #ICL
@pil@a.gup.pe @PIL@mastodon.lawprofs.org
#warcrimes #humanrightsviolation #nazi #nuremberg2now #genocide #pil #ICL
Very excited to welcome Dr Jonathan Kolieb from RMIT University (Melbourne) to Wageningen today. Together with @OlenaUvarova he wil lecture on Business, Human Rights and Armed Conflict #bhr #bhre #bizhumanrights #IHL #ICL #law #humanitarianlaw @PIL
#HumanitarianLaw #law #ICL #IHL #bizhumanrights #BHRE #BHR
Private Military Companies and the Future of Conflict
#military #foreignpolicy #internationallaw InternationalLawGroup @PIL@mastodon.lawprofs.org
#humanrights #internationalcriminallaw #ICL #IHRL #IHL #war #humanitarianlaw @pil@a.gup.pe
The war in Ukraine and evidence of Russian mercenaries in a growing number of countries, raise serious questions about accountability and remedy.
#military #Foreignpolicy #internationallaw #humanrights #internationalcriminallaw #ICL #IHRL #IHL #war #HumanitarianLaw
#humanrights #pil @PIL
#icl #internationallaw #foreignpolicy
A short post Opinio Juris on the draft #CrimesAgainstHumanity treaty process, with the recent resolution by the 6th committee on 18 November.
#humanrights #pil #ICL #internationallaw #Foreignpolicy #crimesagainsthumanity
Maybe best solution is to set up a #list / #directory for #ICL #IHL #IHRL or general #PIL. I’m aware of one directory for jurists or was it legal scholars but that will probably get very large. Anyone with experience with lists in the #fediverse?
#list #directory #ICL #IHL #IHRL #PIL #Fediverse
Ich werde am Freitag Fragen zur Anwendung des #Humanitären #Völkerrechts & des #Völkerstrafrechts im bewaffneten Konflikt in der #Ukraine beantworten. Podiumsdiskussion (hybrid) zum Thema „#Völkerrechtliche Hintergründe des #Angriffs auf die Ukraine“ am 11.11.2922, 17-19h, organisiert von #ELSA #Austria. #IHL #ICL https://www.linkedin.com/posts/elsa-austria_diesen-freitag-den-11112022-findet-unsere-activity-6995363764787163136-e8Do?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
#Humanitären #Völkerrechts #Völkerstrafrechts #Ukraine #Völkerrechtliche #Angriffs #Elsa #austria #IHL #ICL
An interesting and also intriguing article by Kevin Heller published in Opinio Juris blog on Ukraine's latest announcement of plan to create an Interim Prosecutor's Office for the future Special Tribunal for the Russian aggression. Kevin provides good analysis of why Ukraine's initiative is not good
#tribunals #internationallaw #ICL #IHL #ukraine
On preliminary exploration mission. #academic mastodon, where art thou? #ICL #IHL #aggression
#academic #ICL #IHL #aggression
RT @NurembergAcadem: Day 2 of our #conference, “Is the Future of International Criminal Law Domestic?” is about to start. Make sure to tune in! #ICL #FutureOfICL
Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzcYz3ZBmyQ
RT @NurembergAcadem: Save the date and join us at our international expert #conference “Is the Future of International Criminal Law Domestic?” from 12 to 15 May 2022, co-organised w/ Genocide Network secretariat hosted by @Eurojust.
Discover the programme: https://www.nurembergacademy.org/events/detail/99718848f3cf89152929c8b62e99fec1/international-conference-is-the-future-of-international-criminal-law-domestic-537/
Avança la tramitació d’una planta fotovoltaica sobre el runam salí de Sallent, tot i l’ordre judicial de retirar-lo https://directa.cat/avanca-la-tramitacio-duna-planta-fotovoltaica-sobre-el-runam-sali-de-sallent-tot-i-lordre-judicial-de-retirar-lo/ #parcfotovoltaic #runamssalins #Iberpotash #ElCogulló #Montsalat #Prousal! #Energia #Sallent #mina #ICL #sal
#parcfotovoltaic #runamssalins #Iberpotash #ElCogulló #Montsalat #Prousal #energia #sallent #mina #ICL #sal
La mina d’Iberpotash de Sallent tanca tenyida de dol i inseguretat https://directa.cat/la-mina-diberpotash-de-sallent-tanca-tenyida-de-dol-i-inseguretat/ #sinistralitatlaboral #subcontractes #MontajesRus #Iberpotash #sindicats #Treball #Sallent #Súria #mina #ICL #sal
#sinistralitatlaboral #subcontractes #MontajesRus #Iberpotash #sindicats #treball #sallent #Súria #mina #ICL #sal
El fals conflicte entre treballadors i ecologistes per les mines d’Iberpotash al Bages https://directa.cat/el-fals-conflicte-entre-treballadors-i-ecologistes-per-les-mines-diberpotash-al-bages/ #GeneralitatdeCatalunya #accidentslaborals #ICL-IBERPOTASH #Estatd'Israel #Iberpotash #Mineria #Sallent #Opinió #Israel #Bages #Mines
#generalitatdecatalunya #accidentslaborals #ICL #Estatd #Iberpotash #mineria #sallent #opinió #israel #bages #mines
Dealing with the #coronacrisis: ICL mobilizes worldwide https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/04/26/dealing-with-the-coronacrisis-icl-mobilizes-worldwide/ #ICL #syndicalism #antireport #COVID19 #corornavirus #CNT #Covid_19 #lockdown #COVID #Corona
#corona #covid #lockdown #Covid_19 #cnt #corornavirus #COVID19 #antireport #Syndicalism #ICL #CoronaCrisis