2022-11-17 258
2022-11-18 97
2022-11-19 94
2022-11-20 72
2022-11-21 102
2022-11-22 124
2022-11-23 55
2022-11-24 45
2022-11-25 88
2022-11-26 108
2022-11-27 67
2022-11-28 93
2022-11-29 147
2022-11-30 98
2022-12-01 106
2022-12-02 119
2022-12-03 131
2022-12-04 102
2022-12-05 86
2022-12-06 74
2022-12-07 85
2022-12-08 165
2022-12-09 98
2022-12-10 151
2022-12-11 108
2022-12-12 129
2022-12-13 125
#tootlog #ICanQuitAnyTime #mastoaddict #ifreakingloveyouguys
2022-12-03 10,929 131
2022-12-04 11,031 102
2022-12-05 11,117 86
2022-12-06 11,191 74
2022-12-07 11,276 85
2022-12-08 11,441 165
#tootlog #ICanQuitAnyTime #tootaholic
2022-11-24 9,972 45
2022-11-25 10,060 88
2022-11-26 10,168 108
2022-11-27 10,235 67
2022-11-28 10,328 93
2022-11-29 10,475 147
2022-11-30 10,573 98
2022-12-01 10,679 106
2022-12-02 10,798 119
2022-12-03 10,929 131
#tootlog #ICanQuitAnyTime #mastosliiiiitghtlyhabitforming
2022-11-19 9,574 94
2022-11-20 9,646 72
2022-11-21 9,748 102
2022-11-22 9,872 124
2022-11-23 9,927 55
2022-11-24 9,972 45
2022-11-25 10,060 88
2022-11-26 10,168 108
I'm up to 43 toots per day, from 37 the last time I checked. #ICanQuitAnyTime #TootoHolic #Tooters #Whoa
#ICanQuitAnyTime #TootoHolic #tooters #whoa
#ICanQuitAnyTime #TotallyNotHabitForming #tooters