Unity in diversity 👉 this is the EU’s strength.
A #UnionofEquality is an 🇪🇺 in which people can be who they are, live the life they want to have, and love those they choose to love.
This is what we owe to our LGBTIQ community and to everyone.
RT @vonderleyen: Be proud of who you are!
I am proud to stand with the LGBTQ+ community.
Today and everyday.
The EU will continue to champion your rights.
#IDAHOT https://t.co/gI3wA8MxJJ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SKyriakidesEU/status/1658762673046126592
#UnionOfEquality #IDAHOT2023 #IDAHOT
Nu wisten we al dat Brusselse verkozenen doorgaans van een bijzondere kwaliteit zijn gezien het aantal stemmen men nodig heeft om verkozen te worden (3031 in dit geval), maar dat ze zo knap zijn in begrijpend lezen, daar moeten we toch nederig het hoofd voor buigen.
RT @CeliaGroothedde: Het was #idahot, de dag tegen homo-en transfobie.
Dus Tom Vandendriessche, afgevaardigde van Vlaams Belang in het @Europarl_NL, profiteert ervan om hen te demoniseren als ‘sekte’…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TomVandendriese/status/1659868236035268611
Los derechos humanos de las personas LGBTIQ+ forman parte de los esfuerzos de diplomacia pública y cooperación exterior de la #UniónEuropea
Desde la #UEenPerú seguiremos defendiendo los derechos de las personas LGBTIQ+.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEenPeru/status/1659591751953260545
#UniónEuropea #UEenPerú #IDAHOT #IDAHOBIT #EU4LGBTIQ #EUgoesRainbow #LGBTIQ
Het is haast een religieuze sekte. Totaal en radicaal. Met een liberale sharia waar men niet aan mag twijfelen
RT @pslachambre: #LoveIsLove #IDAHOT #BelgianPride #LaChambre https://t.co/7T4HScxceu
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TomVandendriese/status/1659437211425685504
#loveislove #IDAHOT #BelgianPride #LaChambre
Los derechos humanos de las personas LGBTIQ+ forman parte de los esfuerzos de diplomacia pública y cooperación exterior de la #UniónEuropea
Desde la #UEenPerú seguiremos defendiendo los derechos de las personas LGBTIQ+.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEenPeru/status/1659242032764682249
#UniónEuropea #UEenPerú #IDAHOT #IDAHOBIT #EU4LGBTIQ #EUgoesRainbow #LGBTIQ
RT @WasilewskaEU: It is shocking that 75yrs after the adoption of the #UDHR we still have to fight for basic #humanrights. On #IDAHOT, it is important to stress that all human beings are born free & equal in dignity & in rights.Thanks @equals246 @CanHCBarbados @UNDPBarbadosEC for a great workshop! https://t.co/Z9QnY2W82G
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinBarbados/status/1659212066639736833
Leading the call for LGBTIQ equality around the world with:
☑️EU financial support to over 850 LGBTIQ human rights defenders
☑️launch of an @eu_eeas Agenda for Diversity and Inclusion in 2023
#UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1659112782954995714
#UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT
Building LGBTIQ-inclusive societies with:
☑️#EUfunding for civil society organisations with projects aiming to advance LGBTIQ rights
☑️@EU_Commission proposal on the recognition of parenthood in cross-border situations
#UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1659112780471861250
#EUfunding #UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT
Ensuring LGBTIQ people’s safety with:
☑️@EU_Commission proposal to reinforce legal protection for LGBTIQ people against hate crime, hate speech & violence
☑️launch of EU-wide #EyesOpen campaign to raise awareness of #EUVictimsRights
#UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1659112777972105217
#EyesOpen #EUVictimsRights #UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT
Tackling discrimination against LGBTIQ people with:
☑️proposals to strengthen the role of #EqualityBodies adopted by @EU_Commission in 2022
☑️#EUfunding for over 100 projects to promote LGBTIQ equality
#UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1659112775791116288
#EqualityBodies #EUfunding #UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT
In 2020 I presented the 1st ever #EU4LGBTIQ Equality Strategy
We see good progress on the implementation of all 4 pillars of the strategy
Progress report➡️https://europa.eu/!ykhdQh
Highlights in this tweet thread⤵️
#UnionOfEquality #IDAHOT
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1659112773572239360
#EU4LGBTIQ #UnionOfEquality #IDAHOT
#IDAHOT #IDAHOBIT #EU4LGBTIQ #EUGoesRainbow 欧盟驻华代表团用彩虹色的装饰声援男女同性恋、双性恋、变性人和两性人(LGBTI)群体,以期促进各类人群、各种文化、在任何时间及地点都能充分享有普遍人权。
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUdelChina/status/1659088660212379650
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUdelChina/status/1659088492373110784
RT @JosepBorrellF: We are all born free and equal in rights and dignity.
On #IDAHOT we commit to continue protecting and promoting the full enjoyment of human rights by the #LGBTIQ+ community in the EU and around the world. https://t.co/9Zht7JN9n1 https://t.co/9LDYbui4Y1
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinIsrael/status/1659073162854780928
El #EquipoEuropa y el Representante 🇪🇺 para los Derechos Humanos @EamonGilmore conmemoraron el Día contra la Homofobia, Bifobia y Transfobia #IDAHOT con organizaciones LGBTIQ+. Garantizar sus derechos e igualdad de oportunidades, sin discriminación, es nuestro compromiso🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEenColombia/status/1658945542762766338
A Europa defenderá sempre os direitos e liberdades fundamentais 🇪🇺🏳️🌈
#EU4Diversity #LGBTIQ #JuntosMaisFortes #UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT2023
RT @vonderleyen: Be proud of who you are!
I am proud to stand with the LGBTQ+ community.
Today and everyday.
The EU will continue to champion your rights.
#IDAHOT https://t.co/gI3wA8MxJJ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CE_PTrep/status/1658864956656295941
#EU4Diversity #LGBTIQ #Juntosmaisfortes #UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT2023 #IDAHOT
Jo el que vull veure es la Comissió Europea declarant un dia de anti-catalanofòbia dirigit a Espanya.
RT @ComisionEuropea: Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, la Transfobia y la Bifobia 🏳️🌈
En la Unión Europea todos deben ser libres de ser quienes son, amar a quienes quieran y vivir donde quieran.
#EU4LGBTIQ #UnionOfEquality #IDAHOT https://t.co/BMVfpoH3IU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GorkaKB/status/1658969261635694594
#EU4LGBTIQ #UnionOfEquality #IDAHOT
Det är en viktig dag idag.
Jag tänker personligen på dagen jag själv valde att vara transparent med vem jag är. Nervositeten. Stressen. I ett helt fritt samhälle utan fobi, skulle det inte vara en grej. Därför behövs dagar som idag! Tillsammans kan vi förändra. ❤️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/emmawiesner/status/1658834486023389188
Delegación de la UE y Embajada de Francia en Nicaragua unidas en la diversidad en el Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, la Transfobia y la Bifobia.
¡Todos nacemos libres e iguales en derechos y dignidad!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEenNicaragua/status/1658970654413078529