The EU Delegation lights up in rainbow colours in solidarity with LGBTIQ+ persons globally. Everyone should be free to be who they are and love whom they choose without fear. Say no to discrimination, violence and hate speech based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
RT @EUdelChina: 欧盟驻华代表团点亮起彩虹色灯光,声援全球LGBTIQ+人士。每个人都应该有自由去做他们自己,有自由去毫无畏惧地爱他们所选之人。对基于性取向和性别认同的歧视、暴力和仇恨言论说不。
#EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT2022 #EUgoesRainbow, #WeGoRainbow
#EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT2022 #EUgoesRainbow #WeGoRainbow
#EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT2022 #EUgoesRainbow, #WeGoRainbow
#EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT2022 #EUgoesRainbow #WeGoRainbow
欧盟驻华代表团与所有 LGBTIQ+ 人士站在一起。值此国际不再恐同日(IDAHOT)之际,欧洲联盟重申其坚定致力于尊重、保护和促进同性恋、双性恋、跨性别和双性人士(即:LGBTI人士)充分和平等地享受人权。
Equality, respect for dignity & diversity are at the heart of the European Union 🇪🇺.
👉🏽 Declaration of HR/VP Josep Borrell on behalf of 🇪🇺for the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia:
🏳️🌈 #IDAHOT2022
RT @EP_ThinkTank: Ending discrimination + protecting #HumanRights are important elements of the EU legal order
But discrimination against #LGBTI people persists throughout the EU
@EP_HumanRights @delarabur @BirgitSippelMEP @maitepagaza @donath_anna @henrikehahn #IDAHOT2022
#humanrights #LGBTI #IDAHOT2022
RT @DiversEESC: The EU must assume its role in helping to advance human rights globally, including the freedom and dignity of LGBTIQ people.🏳️🌈#EU4LGBTIQ
Read the @EU_EESC opinion on the @EU_Commission's LGBTIQ Equality Strategy 2020-2025👉
#EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT2022 #UnionOfEquality
👉 Mitos y miedos conducen a discriminación y persecución
🇪🇺🏳️🌈 La #UE reafirma su fuerte compromiso con el respeto, la protección y el cumplimiento de las libertades fundamentales de las personas LGBTIQ+.
RT @Renaissance_UE: Le #17mai est la journée mondiale de lutte contre les LGBTphobies.
Au Parlement européen, nous avons fait de l’🇪🇺 une LGBTIQ Freedom Zone. Continuons le combat pour permettre à chacun d’aimer réellement qui il veut.
#17mai #IDAHOT2022 #loveislove
RT @sms_eur: A @CE_PTrep tem hasteada a bandeira arco-íris assinalando o Dia Internacional contra a Homofobia, a Transfobia e a Bifobia #IDAHOT2022 #LGBTQ . Liberdade, Igualdade, Não Discriminação são os alicerces da 🇪🇺
Soyez qui vous voulez, soyez libres d’aimer qui vous voulez.
L’Europe vous protège et combat fermement les lgbt phobies.
#journeemondialecontrelhomophobie #IDAHOT2022
#journeemondialecontrelhomophobie #IDAHOT2022
What better way to close #IDAHOT2022 than with the inspiritational #IsanoFashionShow. Very proud to support this amazing fusion of creativity, inclusion, equality promotion and diversity together with @FADArwanda & @UshahidiNetwork.
RT @vonderleyen: Our Union must be a safe place for everyone.
A place where you can be who you are, fully, and love whom you want.
LGBTIQ+ people, I will always be by your side 🏳️🌈🇪🇺
Et même si ça l'est ça justifie pas l'homophobie hein
en cette journée internationale contre l’homophobie voici une piqure de rappelle #IDAHOT2022 #17mai #homophobie #LGBT
#IDAHOT2022 #17mai #homophobie #lgbt
Έχουμε χρέος απέναντι στη ΛΟΑΤΚΙ κοινότητα να βάλουμε τα δυνατά μας για να χτίσουμε μια Ένωση Ισότητας όπου όλοι και όλες είναι ασφαλείς, ελεύθεροι και ευπρόσδεκτοι.
#IDAHOT2022 #UnionOfEquality 🇪🇺🏳️🌈
RT @eu_eeas: "The EU stands with all LGBTI persons. Equality, respect for dignity and for diversity are at the heart of our Union. Everyone should be free to be who they are and love whom they choose" HR/VP @JosepBorrellF Declaration on behalf of the EU on #IDAHOT2022…
Hoy marcamos el Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, la Transfobia y la Bifobia #LGBTI 🏳️🌈
Compartimos la Declaración del HR/VP @JosepBorrellF en nombre de la UE ⤵️
#IDAHOBIT #UnionOfEquality #IDAHOT2022 #TeamEurope #U…
#LGBTI #IDAHOBIT #UnionOfEquality #IDAHOT2022 #TeamEurope #U
Los #DerechosHumanos son para todos y todas siempre y sin excepción.
#IDAHOBIT #UnionOfEquality #IDAHOT2022 #TeamEurope #UEGuatemala
#DerechosHumanos #IDAHOBIT #UnionOfEquality #IDAHOT2022 #TeamEurope #UEGuatemala
#100PicturesOfdiversity to stand with the 🏳️🌈#LGBTQ community in celebrating #tolerance #equality #diversity #humanrights #dignity #respect on this 🌈#IDAHOT2022
#100PicturesOfDiversity #lgbtq #tolerance #Equality #diversity #humanrights #dignity #Respect #IDAHOT2022
Love is love! 🇪🇺❤️🏳️🌈
Sărbătorim o Uniune Europeană în care fiecare iși poate exprima liber identitatea sa.
🇪🇺 + 🏳️🌈 = ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
#IDAHOBIT #IDAHOT2022 #UnionOfEquality
¡Que el arco iris brille más que el odio! 🇪🇺🏳️🌈
Por el Día contra la Homofobia, la Transfobia y la Bifobia #IDAHOBIT2022, se iluminó nuestra sede en #Bruselas en apoyo al amor y los derechos de las personas LGBTIQ+.
#IDAHOT2022 #UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #EUgoesRainbow #LGBTIQ
#IDAHOBIT2022 #Bruselas #IDAHOT2022 #UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #EUgoesRainbow #LGBTIQ