Be yourself and be proud.
#CyprusPRIDE2023 🇨🇾
Today and every day, we stand firm in our commitment to create a #UnionOfEquality.
#CyprusPride2023 #UnionOfEquality #IDAHOT2023 #EU4LGBTIQ
Unity in diversity 👉 this is the EU’s strength.
A #UnionofEquality is an 🇪🇺 in which people can be who they are, live the life they want to have, and love those they choose to love.
This is what we owe to our LGBTIQ community and to everyone.
RT @vonderleyen: Be proud of who you are!
I am proud to stand with the LGBTQ+ community.
Today and everyday.
The EU will continue to champion your rights.
#UnionOfEquality #IDAHOT2023 #IDAHOT
Happy #PrideMonth!🏳️🌈 All of us should be free to flourish & be able to reach our full potential without prejudice or limitations. 🇪🇺 supports the rights of LGBTIQ at home & abroad . 🌍🌈 #EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT2023
#pridemonth #EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT2023
RT @SKyriakidesEU: Be yourself and be proud.
#CyprusPRIDE2023 🇨🇾
Today and every day, we stand firm in our commitment to create a #UnionOfEquality.
#CyprusPride2023 #UnionOfEquality #IDAHOT2023 #EU4LGBTIQ
We are a Union of equals. 🇪🇺🌈
This week, we marked #IDAHOT2023, celebrating our diversity and our values.
Equality and non-discrimination are fundamental rights in the EU.
#UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #BrusselsPride
#IDAHOT2023 #UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #brusselspride
Los burócratas ideologizados al servicio de cualquier lobby. Hoy, el colectivo LgTBIQ+, mañana el fanatismo climático; ayer, los grupos pro-islamización.
En Bruselas han de ondear las banderas de los Estados miembros: nuestra Europa es la Europa de las naciones, que son las que…
RT @EU_Commission: We are a Union of equals. 🇪🇺🌈
This week, we marked #IDAHOT2023, celebrating our diversity and our values.
Equality and non-discrimination are fundamental rights in t…
Mi smo Unija ravnopravnih. 🇪🇺🌈
Ovog smo tjedna obilježili #IDAHOT2023, slaveći našu raznolikost i naše vrijednosti.
Jednakost i nediskriminacija temeljna su prava u EU-u.
#UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #BrusselsPride
#IDAHOT2023 #UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #brusselspride
RT @EU_Commission: We are a Union of equals. 🇪🇺🌈
This week, we marked #IDAHOT2023, celebrating our diversity and our values.
Equality and non-discrimination are fundamental rights in the EU.
#UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #BrusselsPride
#IDAHOT2023 #UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #brusselspride
Journée contre l'homophobie, la transphobie et la biphobie au #Bénin: @HirondelleBenin et le Comité national des organisations de lutte pour les droits de #LGBTI font le point de la lutte pour le respect de la dignité humaine.
#Bénin #LGBTI #UnitedinDiversity #EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT2023 #IDAHOBIT
💬"Cumpre-nos fazer tudo o que estiver ao nosso alcance para construir uma União da Igualdade em que todos possamos viver em segurança e liberdade" - @helenadalli, Comissária Europeia para a Igualdade, no @Publico🌈🇪🇺
RT @Publico: Dia Internacional contra a Homofobia, a Bifobia e a Transfobia
A Europa defenderá sempre os direitos e liberdades fundamentais 🇪🇺🏳️🌈
#EU4Diversity #LGBTIQ #JuntosMaisFortes #UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT2023
RT @vonderleyen: Be proud of who you are!
I am proud to stand with the LGBTQ+ community.
Today and everyday.
The EU will continue to champion your rights.
#EU4Diversity #LGBTIQ #Juntosmaisfortes #UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT2023 #IDAHOT
🇪🇺 + 🏳️🌈 = ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Neste Dia Internacional contra a Homofobia, Transfobia e Bifobia, reafirmamos o nosso compromisso em prol de uma União de Igualdade, onde o amor não conhece fronteiras🌈
#EU4Diversity #LGBTIQ #JuntosMaisFortes #UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT2023
#EU4Diversity #LGBTIQ #Juntosmaisfortes #UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTIQ #IDAHOT2023
RT @SHartleif: À l'occasion de la Journée internationale contre l'homophobie, la biphobie et la transphobie (#IDAHOT), nous sommes tous unis dans la diversité. Merci à @ToTjoelker et @HirondelleBenin pour nos échanges aujourd'hui. #UnitedInDiversity #loveislove #EU4LGBTIQ #17mai
#IDAHOT #UnitedinDiversity #loveislove #EU4LGBTIQ #17mai #IDAHOT2023
Today is International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia🏳️🌈
In the EU, you are free to love whom you choose & be yourself. Europe will always stand up for your fundamental rights & freedoms.
#UnionOfEquality #IDAHOT2023 #EU4LGBTIQ
#UnionOfEquality #IDAHOT2023 #EU4LGBTIQ
Today we reaffirm our commitment to supporting the LGBTIQ community and combating all forms of discrimination, hatred, and violence against LGBTIQ people.
RT @CYParliament: Παγκόσμια Ημέρα κατά της Ομοφοβίας, Αμφιφοβίας & Τρανσφοβίας. Στεκόμαστε απέναντι σε διακρίσεις, βία & προκατάληψη.Σεβόμαστε την αξιοπρέπεια, τη διαφορετικότητα, την ισότητα & την ελευθερία έκφρασης όπως αρμόζει σ' ένα κράτος δικαίου σε μια συμπεριληπτική κοινωνία #IDAHOT2023
Europe🇪🇺 will never allow parts of our society to be stigmatised because we should never forget that, when we stand up for parts of our society, we stand up for the freedom of the whole of our society: @vonderleyen
#EU4LGBTIQ equality!🌈🇪🇺
Today, on #IDAHOT2023 Day, we raise the rainbow flag as a symbol of our support for the #LGBTIQ community and our commitment to combating all forms of discrimination, hatred, and violence against LGBTIQ people.
#EU4LGBTIQ equality!🌈🇪🇺
In the EU, you are free to love whom you choose and be your authentic self.
Europe will always stand up for your fundamental rights and freedoms.
Be yourself.
Be proud.
Embrace your true colours and shine.
Today and every day, we stand firm in our commitment to create a #UnionOfEquality.
A Union that champions equal rights and freedoms, embracing diversity as our greatest strength.
#UnionOfEquality #IDAHOT2023 #EU4LGBTIQ