Seit der Veröffentlichung des Sonderberichts "Keine Chance auf Arbeit - Die Realität von Menschen mit #Behinderung" der #Volksanwaltschaft hat sich die Situation der in Werkstätten Tätigen nicht verbessert.
#LohnStattTaschengeld #IDPD2022
#behinderung #Volksanwaltschaft #LohnStattTaschengeld #IDPD2022
RT @scope: 3 out of 4 disabled people have experienced negative attitudes. Does this surprise you? 🤔
🌍 On International Day of Disabled People, we asked Adam Pearson, Sophie Christiansen, Nicolas Hamilton and Dan Edge for their tips on being a better disabled ally.
Yesterday, it was the #IDPD2022.
Today, we want to highlight this 🇮🇹 project.
Supported by #EUFunds, the initiative is an example of how social projects can help persons with disabilities reaching a healthier quality of life.
RT @MyEDF: The #EUDisabilityCard can provide easier recognition of rights across the EU.
We expect a strong proposal that expands it to all EU.
Your support is essential to shape it.
Share your views until 21 December:
@EU_Social @helenadalli #IDPD2022
The goal of the EU Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030 is to ensure that persons with disabilities in Europ enjoy their human rights and equal opportunities. Find out more:!M9rvUu
#IDPD2022 #IDPD #UnionofEquality
#IDPD2022 #IDPD #UnionOfEquality
"Cuando respetas mis derechos me haces visible"
Hoy, Día Internacional de las Personas con Discapacidad, resaltamos la importancia de su inclusión y respeto de sus derechos.
Un mensaje de @CISPalc y la Unión Europea🇪🇺.
Together we must lift barriers so that all of us can enjoy equal rights and opportunities.
🇪🇺Commissioner @helenadalli on the Int’l Day of Persons with Disabilities #IDPD2022
Learn more about EU’s Strategy on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
People with disabilities still face exclusion, barriers and unfair obstacles.
In Europe, everyone should have the same chance. Without discrimination, without prejudice.
@europarl_en will continue working towards equality, same opportunities for all.
🏠💻Working from home became a reality for many of us globally but for people who live with some form of #disability, remote working can be particularly tough.
👇 These #digital tech help tackle the barriers people with disabilities face when teleworking.
#Disability #digital #IDPD2022 #IDPD
Thanks to EU humanitarian support, @WarChildHolland and local partners have been running the SHIELD programme.
It has helped thousands of vulnerable children in Lebanon, including those with a disability, get educated.
#IDPD2022 @EUinLebanon @WarChildLebanon
"Deaf people don't look disabled. People are not aware of their disability." Here is how in São Tomé and Príncipe the EU election observers were able to help
#PersonsWithDisabilities to cast their vote. #IDPD2022
#PersonsWithDisabilities #IDPD2022
RT @EP_President: People with disabilities still face exclusion, barriers and unfair obstacles.
In Europe, everyone should have the same chance. Without discrimination, without prejudice.
@europarl_en will continue working towards equality, same opportunities for all.
Ir a votar puede convertirse en una carrera de obstáculos para alguien en silla de ruedas.
Arlindo Chissano, presidente de la Asociación de Personas con Discapacidad de Santo Tomé y Príncipe, explica cuáles son las principales dificultades a las que se enfrentan. #IDPD2022 👇
RT @eu_eeas: Going to vote can become an obstacle race for someone in a wheelchair.
Arlindo Chissano, president of the Association of Disabled People of São Tomé and Príncipe, explains what …
La Unión Europea es un defensor mundial de los derechos de las personas con discapacidad. Al mismo tiempo, trabajamos para que las personas con discapacidad puedan vivir plenamente su vida profesional en el EEAS, para que sea más inclusivo, diverso y rico. Y más fuerte #IDPD2022
RT @eu_eeas: The European Union is a global defender of the rights of persons with disabilities. At the same time, we work to enable people with disabilities to live their professional liv…
RT @MHESME: 📌Today is International Day of Persons with Disabilities #IDPD2022 🌍
Watch this video to learn how the #UNCRPD changed the way we understand disability, incl. psychosocial #disability.⤵️
#IDPD2022 #UNCRPD #Disability #MentalHealth #MentalHealthMatters #mhpss
I recall that everyone must be able to fully participate in our societies.
The @EU_Commission is working to lift those barriers so that all of us can enjoy equal rights and opportunities.
#InternationalDayofPersonsWithDisability #IDPD2022 #IDPD
Today is International Day of Persons with Disabilities #IDPD2022! Member States must ensure that websites and mobile applications of public sector are accessible for people with #disabilities.
Get a good summary here 👉
#EUDisabilityRights @MyEDF
#IDPD2022 #disabilities #EUDisabilityRights
A esterilização forçada de pessoas com deficiência é uma formas mais extremas de desumanização e de supressão da sua liberdade e autodeterminação. Parece impossível, mas continua a acontecer.
RT @MyEDF: On International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the #EPDisability Intergroup:
❌ calls for the criminalisation of forced sterilisation
☝️ reminds Member States of their commitment to the #CRPD
#IDPD2022 #EndForcedSterilisation
Read their statement: https://ww…
#EPDisability #CRPD #IDPD2022 #EndForcedSterilisation
RT @MyEDF: On International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the #EPDisability Intergroup:
❌ calls for the criminalisation of forced sterilisation
☝️ reminds Member States of their commitment to the #CRPD
#IDPD2022 #EndForcedSterilisation
Read their statement:
#EPDisability #CRPD #IDPD2022 #EndForcedSterilisation
Today it's #IDPD2022.
Delivering on our #EUDisabilityRights Strategy, this year we adopted the Disability Employment Package aiming at further promoting the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the labour market.
@helenadalli | #UnionOfEquality
#IDPD2022 #EUDisabilityRights #UnionOfEquality