To celebrate International Women and Girls in Science Day, myself and some of my fantastic #WarwickUni colleagues visited Eden Girls School in Coventry, sharing the breadth of potential STEM careers, and answering lots of great questions from the girls.
#WarwickUni #womeninscience #idwgs2023 #IDWGS #wmgoutreach #wmgwarwick
It's International Day of Women and Girls in Science!
Achieving gender equity in STEM careers, education and applications means striving for more for marginalised women and girls, not only those with the most power and privilege.
Gender inequity also reaches beyond the binary.
#IDWGS #WomenInSTEM #gender #feminism #equality #equity #diversity #inclusion #inclusivity #womenInScience #science #scicomm #tech #engineering #math #women #sexism #lgbt #Queer #nonbinary #research #womeninengineering #womenintech
#IDWGS #womeninstem #gender #feminism #equality #equity #diversity #inclusion #inclusivity #womeninscience #science #scicomm #tech #engineering #math #women #sexism #lgbt #queer #nonbinary #research #womeninengineering #womenintech
We will only reach our full potential if we use all our talent and diversity.
RT @EU_in_India: Over the past decades, the global community has made a lot of efforts in eccouraging women & girls in science. Yet they continue to be significantly under-represented among inventors.
This #IDWGS we recognise and honor women who have paved their way as #WomenInScience.
RT @mpi_grav
Dr. Roberta Giusteri works as a postdoc in the Space Interferometry group on the definition of the @LISACommunity noise budget and on its impact on the scientific objective: #IDWGS #WomenScienceDay #WomenInSTEM
#IDWGS #womenscienceday #womeninstem