Vetoed #IDLeg trending: This bill would have prohibited libraries from providing “harmful materials” to minors. In the veto, the Governor said the bill’s ambiguity would lead to unintended consequences for libraries and their patrons.
#Prayer and #FreeSpeech legislation trending. #IDLeg states a person may pray at anytime and no public school or charter school may punish or otherwise take adverse action or discriminate against any other person for refusing to participate in a prayer
RT @abbottalynn
These are Christian nationalist training sessions.
Christian nationalism seeks to force people to live under a narrow interpretation of Christianity. This results in discrimination, hate, and death for Idahoans.
Christian nationalism is a hate ideology. #idpol #idleg
The Children's School & Library Protection Act is trending. #IDLeg would allow parents to sue libraries & school districts if they make certain materials (containing description/representation of nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement ) available to minors.
#StandYourGround legislation trending. Proposed #IDLeg aims to protect an individual if they threaten the use of force in a lawful #selfDefense situation and provides a legal opportunity in the courts to claim self-defense immunity.
#standyourground #IDleg #selfdefense
From yesterday on NPI's Cascadia Advocate: Idaho Republican legislators are once again trying to gut the people's initiative power
Recently published on NPI's Cascadia Advocate: Idaho Republican legislators are once again trying to gut the people's initiative power
New on NPI's Cascadia Advocate: Idaho Republican legislators are once again trying to gut the people's initiative power
Why not simply abolish the death penalty? Because for the #GOP cruelty is the point #idpol #idleg
@uspolitics Goof ole idaho! Our legislators have zero science backgrounds and yet insist on conspiracy theories instead of taking the time to talk to a scientist. Our new AG would be stupid enough to defend it but I doubt the R governor would sign it. #idahome #idleg #idpol
There will be many heartbreaking stories resulting from legislative malpractice. Not confined to Florida. #idpol #idleg
When the circus comes to town (and the nurses leave)
#idleg #idpol #QAnon #tyranny #healthcare
#IDleg #idpol #qanon #tyranny #healthcare
RT @Plasstastic
Here’s a partial list of books that #KunaMiddleSchool just quietly banned and are making teachers remove from their shelves.
This is fascism.
#Idaho #Idleg #idpol #kuna #wedontneednoeducation
#kunamiddleschool #idaho #IDleg #idpol #kuna #wedontneednoeducation
Struggling to keep up? Let me help with a linkapalooza of Oversight and Accountability.
#politics #weaponization #idleg
#politics #weaponization #IDleg
#CivilRights legislation trending. Proposed #IDLeg aims to amend existing law to provide that freedom from discrimination because of sexual orientation or #genderIdentity is a civil right.
#civilrights #IDleg #genderidentity
Not surprising but still sad. I am disappointed by Rep Mathias’s comments: finding a detrans Idahoan wouldn’t make this bill acceptable (and counting on not finding one to undermine the bill is a pretty shaky argument) #IDLeg #IDPol