RT @LateNightAFA
Round 2 of name-that-nazi: torch edition.
Site with some useful images: https://mavink.com/explore.php?q=unite+the+right+torch+rally https://twitter.com/LateNightAFA/status/1647876056819580928
#IEBlueShirtUTR #BlazerAviatorsUTR #braceletbandanautr #RichardSpencerUTR #LostGaugesUTR #ignitetheright
RT @LateNightAFA
Round 2 of name-that-nazi: torch edition.
Site with some useful images: https://mavink.com/explore.php?q=unite+the+right+torch+rally https://twitter.com/LateNightAFA/status/1647876056819580928
#IEBlueShirtUTR #BlazerAviatorsUTR #braceletbandanautr #RichardSpencerUTR #LostGaugesUTR #ignitetheright
RT @LateNightAFA
Round 2 of name-that-nazi: torch edition.
Site with some useful images: https://mavink.com/explore.php?q=unite+the+right+torch+rally https://twitter.com/LateNightAFA/status/1647876056819580928
#IEBlueShirtUTR #BlazerAviatorsUTR #braceletbandanautr #RichardSpencerUTR #LostGaugesUTR #ignitetheright
Identity Evropa member Willliam Clark was previously identified at Unite the right as #IEBlueShirtUTR.
IGD archive: https://archive.is/nvXK1
Canary Mission profile: https://archive.ph/u5pKW
Campus vandalism: https://archive.ph/ai89i
Willliam Clark #IEBlueShirtUTR
RT @434Co
Identity Evropa member Willliam Clark was previously identified at Unite the right as #IEBlueShirtUTR.
IGD archive: https://archive.is/nvXK1
Canary Mission profile: https://archive.ph/u5pKW
Campus vandalism: https://archive.ph/ai89i
RT @UnmaskUTR
We have identified #IEBlueShirtUTR as Willliam Clark of Philadelphia, PA a violent racist and antisemite who marched in the 2017 neo-Nazi Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville.
RT @UnmaskUTR@twitter.com
We have identified #IEBlueShirtUTR as Willliam Clark of Philadelphia, PA a violent racist and antisemite who marched in the 2017 neo-Nazi Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/UnmaskUTR/status/1591531672805474304