RT @CopernicusEMS: #EMSR578 - Forest Fire in Catalonia 🇪🇸
Hard work for our #RapidMappingTeam (and for Spanish firefighters) these days
Last night they delivered the Grading Products for #IFBaldomar🔥
▶️2⃣,6⃣9⃣3⃣.2⃣ of vegetation have been affected
More at
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1539559856016859139
#EMSR578 #RapidMappingTeam #IFBaldomar
RT @El_Batefuegos: Imágenes del #Sentinel2 de @CopernicusEMS, de ayer día 19 de Junio a las 10:59 UTC, sobre el #IFArtesadeSegre #IFBaldomar
En varios canales, entre ellos, el #SWIR y #WildFires
Según datos oficiales, lleva quemadas unas 2800 Ha
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1538924774486904834
#Sentinel2 #IFArtesadeSegre #IFBaldomar #SWIR #wildfires
RT @CopernicusEU: #Copernicus for #wildfires monitoring
Large fires 🔥 are ongoing in Catalonia 🇪🇸
⬇️Yesterday, 19 June, #Sentinel2 🇪🇺🛰️ captured the burn scar of #IFBaldomar
➡️According to @CopernicusEMS (#EMSR578), 2,693.2 ha of vegetation have been affected by the blaze🔥
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1538910590017712128
#Copernicus #wildfires #Sentinel2 #IFBaldomar #EMSR578
RT @CopernicusEU: #Copernicus for #wildfires monitoring
Large fires 🔥 are ongoing in Catalonia 🇪🇸
⬇️Yesterday, 19 June, #Sentinel2 🇪🇺🛰️ captured the burn scar of #IFBaldomar
➡️According to @CopernicusEMS (#EMSR578), 2,693.2 ha of vegetation have been affected by the blaze🔥
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1538855490171682817
#Copernicus #wildfires #Sentinel2 #IFBaldomar #EMSR578
#Copernicus for #wildfires monitoring
Large fires 🔥 are ongoing in Catalonia 🇪🇸
⬇️Yesterday, 19 June, #Sentinel2 🇪🇺🛰️ captured the burn scar of #IFBaldomar
➡️According to @CopernicusEMS (#EMSR578), 2,693.2 ha of vegetation have been affected by the blaze🔥
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1538777165508096000
#Copernicus #wildfires #Sentinel2 #IFBaldomar #EMSR578
RT @carlesrgm: Ens queixem de tot, però ahir vam viure en directe com tres helicòpters dels @bomberscat van salvar de les flames aquesta masia atacada per #IFBaldomar fins que van apagar la llengua de foc (ben passada l'hora màxima de vol)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ramontremosa/status/1538165403184242689
RT @eforestal: Estos son los GIF producidos durante 2022:
#IFHermisende 2370 ha
#IFLubián 510 ha
No extinguidos:
🔥#IFPujerrra Sª Bermeja (4 700 ha)
🔥#IFBaldomar Lleida (1470 ha afectadas)
🔥#IFSierradelaCulebra Zamora (>10 000 ha)
🔥#IFNonaspe Zaragoza ( 1000 ha)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1538074541142032387
#IFHermisende #IFLubián #IFPujerrra #IFBaldomar #IFSierraDeLaCulebra #IFNonaspe
RT @CopernicusEMS: #EFFIS Fire Danger Forecast for 17 June
While the #wildfires in #Navarra & #Catalonia continue
Extreme & Very Extreme Danger🔥 persists in:
➡️almost all of #Spain🇪🇸
➡️southeastern #France🇫🇷
➡️areas of #Sardegna & #Sicilia, in #Italy🇮🇹
#EFFIS #wildfires #Navarra #catalonia #Spain #France #Sardegna #Sicilia #Italy #IFBaldomar #IFLeyre #IFTafalla #IFOlleta
RT @CopernicusEMS: #EFFIS Fire Danger Forecast for 17 June
While the #wildfires in #Navarra & #Catalonia continue
Extreme & Very Extreme Danger🔥 persists in:
➡️almost all of #Spain🇪🇸
➡️southeastern #France🇫🇷
➡️areas of #Sardegna & #Sicilia, in #Italy🇮🇹
#IFBaldomar #IFLeyre #IFTafalla #IFOlleta
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1537743548614852608
#EFFIS #wildfires #Navarra #catalonia #Spain #France #Sardegna #Sicilia #Italy #IFBaldomar #IFLeyre #IFTafalla #IFOlleta
RT @Fauerzaesp: La UME llega a las inmediaciones del #IFBaldomar (Cataluña) para colaborar en la extinción del incendio
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/IAyalaSender/status/1537403997274787840
RT @CopernicusEMS: #EMSR578 - Forest Fire in Catalonia 🇪🇸 #IFBaldomar
On 16 June, a fire broke out near Artesa de Segre, burning more than 500 hectares of 🌳
Our #RapidMappingTeam has been activated to assess the consequences of the 🔥
Updates as soon as possible
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1537499495671513094
#EMSR578 #IFBaldomar #RapidMappingTeam
Són molts els qui, davant l’amenaça, s’enfronten a les flames; però és responsabilitat de tots que el país no se’ns cremi. Gràcies a tantíssima gent que lluita per aturar el foc.
📸 @jordiborras
#IFBaldomar #IFCorberaEbre #IFCastellarRibera
RT @CopernicusEMS: #EMSR578 - Forest Fire in Catalonia 🇪🇸 #IFBaldomar
On 16 June, a fire broke out near Artesa de Segre, burning more than 500 hectares of 🌳
Our #RapidMappingTeam has been activated to assess the consequences of the 🔥
Updates as soon as possible
#EMSR578 #IFBaldomar #RapidMappingTeam
RT @CoopArtesa: Agraïm la tasca d'agricultors i voluntaris que treballen en l'extinció de l'incendi #IFBaldomar. Fem una crida a extremar precaucions, en previsió d'un estiu llarg i dur. La nostra raó de ser és el desenvolupament i conservació del #mónrural; pagesia, agricultura i medi ambient.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ramontremosa/status/1537367027857375233
Tot el meu suport i agraïment al cos de @bomberscat i a totes les persones que treballen per extingir el foc. Entre tots i totes extremem les precaucions. #IFBaldomar #IFCorberaEbre
RT @joanignasielena: Afrontem una de les campanyes forestals més llargues i difícils dels darrers anys. Ho fem amb més de 5.000 servidors públics, 1.200 mitjans terrestres i 40 d’aeris.
Ens caldrà, però, molta coresponsabilitat ciutadana. Al medi natural…