New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Cost of holographic path integrals
Ammanamanchi Ramesh Chandra, Jan de Boer, Mario Flory, Michal P. Heller, Sergio Hörtner, Andrew Rolph
SciPost Phys. 14, 061 (2023)
#UvA #IFT #GhentUniversity
#AEI #ERDF @ERC #EC #FundaciónRamónAreces
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #uva #IFT #GhentUniversity #AEI #ERDF #ec #FundaciónRamónAreces #MinisteriodeCienciaeInnovación #NWO #MINECO
Karl Lechtreck discusses cargo adapters that expand the transport range of intraflagellar transport:
#cellbiology #cilia #IFT #BBsome #flagella
#cellbiology #Cilia #IFT #bbsome #flagella
Are you interested in intraflagellar transport proteins #IFT 🚅? Then you should definitely read this new publication from our fellows
Nevin and Magi just published in @embojournal! Congratulations 👏🎉✨
A new study by our Gaia Pigino and colleagues from The University of Texas at Austin and MPI-CBG integrates experimental and computational strategies to reveal the molecular architecture of the #IFT-A complex for understanding the etiology of human genetic disease. @eLife
#sciencemastodon #science #lifescience #molecularbiology #cilia #biology #structuralbiology #genetics
#IFT #sciencemastodon #Science #lifescience #molecularBiology #Cilia #biology #structuralbiology #genetics