Man, it's been a wild ride:
Wife broke her ankle a couple weeks ago. I've been playing mom and dad and caregiver since.
She had surgery Tuesday, had to be admitted that night for pain management.
Was in lots of pain yesterday. Our son can't sleep because he misses her AND he's teething his molars, so he slept in bed with me... Which means HE slept
Now, wife's getting discharged and we're going to pick up kittens.
And only 6 weeks until the second baby comes!
As long as we don’t take any side profile pictures I’m feeling pretty good in my skin right now! #gymselfie #bamf #igotthis #gym
#GymSelfie #bamf #IGotThis #gym
@Mseadickson @T_Dot_Ess was put on notice to stop working and thinking so hard the rest of this Thanksgiving season. #IGotThis #ShesTheRealMVP #YinYang #CephusReecie #GreenAcres #immabeinthedoghouse
#immabeinthedoghouse #GreenAcres #CephusReecie #YinYang #ShesTheRealMVP #IGotThis
Hey, I can tell him new unmastered on when it took me 15 minutes to figure out how to create and post what you’re reading right now. Didn’t even occur to me to click the PUBLISH button. I’m hardwired to look for the pen and paper icon. Got a shift my thinking! #mastodon #MastodonMigration #TwitterSurvivor #IGotThis #LearningCurve #Duh
#mastodon #mastodonmigration #twittersurvivor #IGotThis #learningCurve #duh @rubenbrackman @fooyatchong @Krystina Bij het eten van pasta gebruik je toch helemaal geen lepel ? #IGotThis