#Geflüchtete unerwünscht: Im Aufmarschland
Das Dorf heißt #Killer und der Gasthof Lamm. Hier soll eine Handvoll Geflüchteter unterkommen. Das provoziert einen #Volkszorn, dem sich kaum jemand entgegenstellt. Ein Besuch vor Ort.
https://www.kontextwochenzeitung.de/gesellschaft/647/killt-killer-9033.html #Burladingen #IIIWeg #Nazis #AfD
#gefluchtete #killer #volkszorn #burladingen #IIIWeg #nazis #AfD
The neo-nazi Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD, National Democratic Party of Germany) has renamed itself Die Heimat (The Homeland). They claim that they are now an "anti-party movement and patriotic service provider" that wants to build "stronger patriotic networks, effective coalitions on the street, in parliaments, and in the pre-political space."
NPD has been around since the late 1960s and has produced quite a few even smaller splinter parties over the intervening decades (nobody hates Nazis like other Nazis). The wording they use to describe their new focus (which is a change in tactics, not outlook) sounds like a response to the successes of other entities on the German far right. A new survey, for instance, says that the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD) would get 19% of the vote if elections were held today. That's the highest AfD has gotten to date, and puts them on par with the Social Democrats -- i.e., the party of the current head of state.
Meanwhile, the reference to "pre-political space" sounds a lot like they've been learning from German new right activists and the closely related "identitarian" movement, both of which constantly drone on about "metapolitics" and the need to influence the "pre-political space." The identitarian movement was banned in France a couple of years ago, and its symbols were classified as hate symbols and therefore outlawed in Austria, all of which has certainly reduced their visibility recently. But by contrast, an effort to ban the NPD ended in 2017 with a court ruling that said that, while NPD does in fact want to destroy the current social order, it is too small and ineffective to achieve that goal, so we can't actually ban them. If your party isn't even important enough to ban, and activists from an adjacent movement with different tactics and different aesthetics are looking around for a new home, it seems like a pretty savvy move to adopt some of that movement's jargon and welcome those folks into the fold.
Additionally, the neo-nazi microparty Der III. Weg (The Third Way), which I believe is a splinter of a splinter that derived initially from the NPD, has achieved quite a bit of visibility over the past few years despite being significantly smaller even the the NPD. While the NPD is estimated to have fewer than 6,000 members, Der III. Weg has something like 650 total. Nonetheless, Der III. Weg knows how to present itself in well edited online videos that are shot to make two dozen people marching in file and carrying flags look like a much bigger group -- which is another tactic borrowed from the "identitarians." Images from III. Weg marches regularly appear in solidarity videos posted online by neo-fascist groups in other countries, which is not an honor granted to the NPD very often.
So in all, this rebrand looks like an effort to catch up with the zeitgeist on the far right, both in Germany and abroad. Their pursuit of "stronger networks" and "effective coalitions" can only succeed if they can make themselves appealing to like-minded people and integrate themselves into networks that already exist.
#NPD, #neuerechte, #heimat, #Germany, #neonazis, #fascism, #identitarian, #iiiweg
#npd #neuerechte #Heimat #germany #neonazis #fascism #identitarian #IIIWeg
RT @recherchenorth
Strammstehen am 1. Mai:
Neonazis der extrem rechten Splitterpartei "Dritter Weg" versammelten sich am 1. Mai 2023 auch im thüringischen #Ohrdruf. Vor Ort vor allem Teilnehmende aus #Berlin, #Brandenburg und #SachenAnhalt [#nonazis #IIIWeg]
Bilderstrecke: https://recherche-nord.com/gallery/2023.05.01.GTH.html
#ohrdruf #berlin #brandenburg #sachenanhalt #nonazis #IIIWeg
RT @recherchenorth@twitter.com
Einer der Anfgreifer am Bahnhof #Glauchau in #Sachsen vom #IIIWeg (#z0105) zeigte vermummt den Hitlergruß - wir zeigen den Neonazi mal ohne Tuch vor der Nase. Bilder entstanden beim "Tag der Heimattreue" vom III. Weg 2021 in Olpe (#NRW)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/recherchenorth/status/1521112764567146497
#nonazis #nrw #z0105 #IIIWeg #sachsen #glauchau
RT @Gegen_die_AfD@twitter.com
Nach den Vorfällen gestern rund um #Zwickau und #Glauchau haben wir hier nochmal eine Zusammenfassung der Strukturen des III-Wegs und die Rechte gemacht. #Neonazis #iiiweg #DieRechte #NoAfD #AfD
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Gegen_die_AfD/status/1521045306443538432
#zwickau #Glauchau #neonazis #IIIWeg #DieRechte #noafd #AfD
RT @antifanordost@twitter.com
Kürzlich tauchten in #Neukölln Flugblätter des #IIIWeg auf. An mehreren Tagen klingelten #Neonazis an Haustüren. Unter ihnen der entlassene Sebastian Thom. Recherche zu einem weiteren Neonazi aus der Gruppe und seiner ebenfalls politisch aktiven Schwester➡️https://www.antifa-berlin.info/recherche/1781-b-die-geschwister-lev-und-evgenia-lysenko
Sehr informativer #Thread von @Infoticker_PA@twitter.com über eine #Coronarebellen Demonstration in #Pfarrkirchen vom 31.01.21
Interessant sind die Verbindungen & Zusammenarbeit von #AfD, #NPD und #IIIWeg in Verbindung mit #Querdenken & Coronarebellen
#noQuerdenken #querdenken #IIIWeg #npd #afd #Pfarrkirchen #coronarebellen #thread