Große Ehre, beeindruckender #Investigativjournalismus: Wir waren am Freitag Gast des #IJ4EU Impact Award, hosted by #ECPMF.
Ausgezeichnet wurden internationale Projekte, die viel bewegt haben & bewegen: #UnmaskingEuropesShadowArmies, #XinjiangPoliceFiles & #DevilisintheData. Die Preisverleihung in #Leipzig war kompakt, Details zu den Projekten und den Journalist*innen dahinter finden sich hier:
#Investigativjournalismus #IJ4EU #ecpmf #unmaskingeuropesshadowarmies #XinjiangPoliceFiles #devilisinthedata #leipzig
RT @MediaFreedomEU: Mark your calendars for the #MFRRSummit2023 from 29-31 March! Join us for engaging discussions on journalist safety, media capture, #SLAPPs and more.
Plus, don't miss the #IJ4EU Impact Award ceremony for cross-border investigative journalism!
#MFRRSummit2023 #SLAPPs #IJ4EU
Call-Center in Südosteuropa, die große Summen Geld erbeuten. Oft bin ich an diesen Büros vorbeigelaufen, ohne zu ahnen, was da drinnen passiert.
Jetzt können wir euch die ganze Geschichte erzählen.
Unterstützt wurde die Recherche vom #IJ4EU investigativ-Stipendium.
RT @ECPMF: ⚡️ #IJ4EU has opened a new call for cross-border investigative journalism projects in the EU & candidate countries! Grants of up to €50,000 will allow cross-border teams of any type to carry out investigations in the public interest.
Apply by Feb 23 ⬇️
📢 Applications are now open for the second round of the #IJ4EU fund! With & we will support #InvestigativeJournalism & provide €680,000 in grants to cross-border teams of journalists in 🇪🇺 member states & candidate countries.
#investigativejournalism #IJ4EU
Hello Mastodon 👋 #neuhier #newhere
🇩🇪 Ich bin Journalistin mit Fokus Südosteuropa und lebe in Tirana, Albanien. Ich arbeite für das 🇦🇹 Nachrichtenmagazin „profil“ und als Freie. Derzeit recherchiere ich als #IJ4EU grantee zu Online investment scams.
🇬🇧 I am a journalist focusing on the Balkans. I live in Tirana / Albania. I work for the Austrian news weekly „profil“ and other German speaking media. Currently I am an #IJ4EU grantee researching online investment scams / new forms of cybercrime.
Стосуєтсья й українських журналістів-розслідувачів
⏰ There are only 3 days left to apply for the #IJ4EU fund that provides €1.23M in grants for investigative #journalism projects!
News orgs & freelance journalists who are collaborating on a topic of cross-border relevance are eligible. Deadline: 13 Oct.
The 🇪🇺 is proud to support the 2nd round of #IJ4EU in support of cross-border investigative reporting in Europe, candidate countries + Ukraine.
The project is managed by a consortium of organisations led by @globalfreemedia, @ECPMF, @ejcnet
More info 👉