#Brettspiele Irgendwie ist in diesem (kurzen) Jahr spieletechnisch der Wurm drin. Heute erst das 2. Spiel des Jahres und dann auch noch ohne Fotos. 😉 Dessen ungeachtet war die 3P-Partie von #IKI sehr unterhaltsam und für einen von uns das Erst-, aber vermutlich nicht das Letztspiel. Dass ich mit 94 Punkten gewinnen konnte, war an meinem Spaß natürlich durchaus beteiligt, aber nicht ausschlaggebend. Es ist einfach ein sehr schönes Spiel.
#Brettspiele #Boardgames Heute das erste Mal den Spieletreff in Nilkheim #Aschaffenburg besucht. Sehr angenehm und wir freundlich aufgenommen. Hatten das Glück und die Freude #IKI spielen zu können. Ein tolles Euro mit sehr schönen Illustrationen. Leider mal wieder vergessen, Fotos zu machen. Die Mechaniken sind zumindest heute keine Unbekannten mehr, sind aber sehr schön verzahnt. Kam am Tisch sehr gut an.
#IKI #aschaffenburg #boardgames #brettspiele
RT @iki_germany
The CBD COP Youth Summit will take place from 5-6 December. The #IKI knows that the global transformation requires the participation of young people. That is why the IKI promotes cooperation by, for and with young people. #COP15
Find out more ➡ https://buff.ly/3hb0AMS
RT @iki_germany
With the #IKI supported @DeutscheWelle learning packs #biodiversity conservation comes into the classroom – virtual & multilingual! All learning packs are free to use by public-sector & not-for-profit educators. #COP15 #youth
Discover here ➡ https://www.international-climate-initiative.com/en/topics/learning-packs
#IKI #biodiversity #COP15 #youth
RT @iki_germany
Welcome to the #IKI family! This #IKISmallGrants project improves #adaptation #capacities of #female smallholder #farmers in Adjohoun in #Benin @idid @giz_gmbh #smallholderfarmers #ClimateAction #ClimateJustice
Find out more ▶️ https://buff.ly/3i8vvKa
#IKI #ikismallgrants #adaptation #capacities #female #farmers #benin #smallholderfarmers #ClimateAction #ClimateJustice
RT @iki_germany
The International Climate Initiative in a nutshell! This video gives a quick insight into the #IKI ➡️ https://buff.ly/3sU4yvC
@BMUV @BMWK @GermanyDiplo
RT @iki_germany
#BiodiversityDay at #COP27! Find out how the #IKI Thematic Call addresses the conservation of #Biodiversity and contributes to the Convention on #BiologicalDiversity #CBD. Call is open unti 21 February 2023 ➡️ https://www.international-climate-initiative.com/PAGE70-1
@BMUV @BMWK @GermanyDiplo @UNBiodiversity
#BiodiversityDay #cop27 #IKI #biodiversity #biologicaldiversity #cbd
Must watch 'for those of us, who are alive today': The strongest statement of climate advocacy and wake up call comesfrom @CFigueres through the #IKI funded project 'Transformative Urban Coalitions' by @UNUEHS https://www.international-climate-initiative.com/VIDEO970-1
'The partnership with #IKI is extremely important to have more projects, more impacts and to be more relevant. With IKI’s support, we support #ClimateAction across all stages of project development'
— EIB VP Fayolle at the #COP27 @iki_germany event at the German Pavilion
RT @iki_germany
#TogetherForImplementation! Since 2022, the #IKI is implemented by @BMWK in close cooperation with @BMUV & @GermanyDiplo. Here are all details about the funding opportunities including the open calls ➡️ https://www.international-climate-initiative.com/en/find-funding/
#ClimateAction #biodiversity #COP27
#TogetherForImplementation #IKI #ClimateAction #biodiversity #cop27
RT @iki_germany
#IKI Small Grants’ 4th call for local climate and biodiversity projects announced by StS @climatemorgan at IKI High level event ‘Paving the way for climate action at scale.’ #COP27 #AmbitionInSolidarity @BMWK @BMUV @GermanyDiplo @giz_gmbh
#IKI #cop27 #AmbitionInSolidarity
RT @iki_germany: First #BiosphereReserves recognised @UNESCO in #Georgia! Support for the planning of the ‘Three Alazani Rivers’ reserve was provided by the #IKI. Discover more ➡️ https://t.co/u9CgJSEtUW
@succow_stiftung @giz_gmbh #biodiversity
#BiosphereReserves #Georgia #IKI #biodiversity