ウェルカムILC:いわいの里再発見日帰りツアー「ILCと金山跡を巡る旅」 https://www.wacoca.com/tour/98260/
#ILC #ILCツアー #ゴールド #ニッコー・ファインメック #一関ツアー #一関市 #一関観光協会 #三菱マテリアル #千厩町 #大東町 #大東町図書館 #平泉町 #東山町 #矢の森金山跡 #石灰岩 #石臼 #花崗岩 #藤壺の滝 #観光交流ネット千厩 #金山 #長坂鉱山
#ILC #ilcツアー #ゴールド #ニッコー・ファインメック #一関ツアー #一関市 #一関観光協会 #三菱マテリアル #千厩町 #大東町 #大東町図書館 #平泉町 #東山町 #矢の森金山跡 #石灰岩 #石臼 #花崗岩 #藤壺の滝 #観光交流ネット千厩 #金山 #長坂鉱山
Someone in my Mastodon feed recently asked, if it's alright to edit photos they take before publishing them? Forgive me for not finding that toot to reply to, but, as a hobbyist photographer myself, I feel compelled to respond regardless;
The TL;DR answer (applies to most cases): Absolutely!
The longer answer is, that unless you're trying to demo, review or give opinion of your photographic equipment or editing software, or you're pressed for time and you absolutely have to publish as soon as possible, then it's IMHO basic courtesy towards your readership to at least edit for:
intended #composition (orientation, aspect ratio & cropping, straightening, perspective correction,...),
#clarity (correcting unwanted lens aberrations, adjusting contrast, levels, sharpness, noise reduction,...) and
#colour (white balance, saturation, hue, tint, vibrance,...).
How to apply these will depend on the purpose of your photo. If you want to document a scene, keep to minimal editing that will try to match what you saw with your own eyes when taking the photo. And if you want to be artistic and experiment with creative photography, then anything goes (but be bold about it!).
And once you're happy with those adjustments, also don't forget to consider its dimensions and file size (resolution, compression, file format,...) before uploading it. There's no point in uploading, say, a 24 Mpix image (common sensor size with #COTS #ILC cameras) to a website that will only ever display it at up to #FullHD resolution. It will also render better since it won't go through website's or web browser's rescaler and there's less chance people will "appropriate" your work for their own use without attribution.
There's a lot of software out there, many of them completely free, that can do all of this more or less acceptably with a single click, then, if you have the time and know-how, you can fiddle with intended look from there onward.
If you regularly publish photos, you MUST do at least these things described above. Anything else is lazy, sloppy, or careless!
#composition #clarity #colour #cots #ILC #fullhd #photography #retouching #opinion
Japanese camera shipments for 2022 through November: https://www.cipa.jp/stats/documents/e/dw-202211_e.pdf We knew point & shoots ("fixed lens") would keep dying; but interesting signs that interchangeable-lens models, at around 1/4 of what sold a decade ago, have halted their slide. Maybe even growing as component shortages ease? #CIPA #CameraShipments #DSLR #ILC
#ILC #dslr #camerashipments #cipa
Hey mastodon peeps. I am a #biomedical #scientist studying #Metastatic #cancer, specializing in #breastcancer (mainly #TNBC and #ILC. Professor at UMC Utrecht. Chairing the @elbcc and #COST action #lobsterpot. Working towards better diagnosis and prognosis for invasive cancer. Fed up with Twitter and the rubbish it spreads.
#biomedical #scientist #Metastatic #cancer #breastcancer #TNBC #ILC #cost #lobsterpot
Se ha publicado la convocatoria de becas predoctorales de la #CAM. Si quieres hacer tu tesis en el Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterráneo y Oriente Próximo del CSIC con Inmaculada Pérez (y trabajar en edición de textos y paleografía, entre otras cosas), puedes contactar con ella por correo electrónico.
Aquí tienes su currículo y el contacto: https://digital.csic.es/cris/rp/rp10181
#becasPredocCAM #predoc #paleografíaGriega #tesis #CSIC #textosGriegos #investigaciónEnHumanidades
#cam #becaspredoccam #PreDoc #paleografiagriega #tesis #csic #textosgriegos #investigacionenhumanidades #ILC
RT @JAMouabbi@twitter.com
Our @MDAndersonNews@twitter.com 📝 just published in @Nature_NPJ@twitter.com looking at histology-based (#ILC vs IDC) outcomes (PFS, OS) in HR+ metastatic #breast_cancer treated with CDK4/6is, mTORi or PI3Ki + ET
#bcsm #EndCancer
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JAMouabbi/status/1605235040509743110
#ILC #Breast_Cancer #bcsm #endcancer
RT @kng_law@twitter.com
The @UN@twitter.com #ILC Statute was adopted by resolution on Nov 21, 1947 - 75 years ago today. @EsmeShirlow@twitter.com & I celebrate with a Symposium on the nexus of the ILC, #VCLT and #ISDS with @CamIntLJ@twitter.com in collaboration with @tejasrao11@twitter.com #ILCat75 See: https://tinyurl.com/2z7rxt28
#Introduction, Hello #ScienceMastodon, I am an immunologist interested in the #development of immune cells, especially #ILC, #geneExpression, #evolution
#introduction #ScienceMastodon #development #ILC #geneexpression #evolution
@GitteJoergensen on twitter #breastcancer #bcsm #lobular #ilc #tnbc #ibc #advocate #research #eyetracking #horrormovies #cats
#cats #horrormovies #EyeTracking #research #advocate #IBC #tnbc #ILC #lobular #bcsm #breastcancer