Inditex (Zara) ci ha scritto dopo un articolo sui 10 anni dal crollo del Rana Plaza in Bangladesh #organizzazioneinternazionaleperillavoro #cleanclothescampaign #dirittideilavoratori #campagnaabitipuliti #ranaplazabangladesh #industriatessile #fastfashion #Bangladesh #lavoratori #ranaplaza #Opinioni #zarahome #diritti #inditex #tessile #moda #zara #ILO
#organizzazioneinternazionaleperillavoro #cleanclothescampaign #dirittideilavoratori #campagnaabitipuliti #ranaplazabangladesh #industriatessile #fastfashion #bangladesh #lavoratori #ranaplaza #opinioni #zarahome #diritti #inditex #tessile #moda #Zara #ILO
Positive Beziehungen zwischen Lieferant:innen & Käufer:innen schaffen? Das Toolkit für menschenwürdige Arbeit bietet Einblicke zur Verbesserung von Arbeitsbedingungen für Arbeiter:innen in der Lieferkette.👉
#ilo #UNICEF #globalcompact #bizhumanrights
#ILO #unicef #globalcompact #bizhumanrights
Kudos to the International Labour Organization (@ilo, #ILO) on its new #OpenAccess policy — and for having a #Mastodon account.
#labour #Labor #mastodon #openaccess #ILO
Ein guter und wichtiger Schritt für besseren Schutz vor Belästigung und Gewalt am Arbeitsplatz: Die #Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist jetzt der #Konvention der #Internationalenarbeitsorganisation (#ILO) über die Beseitigung von Gewalt und Belästigung in der #Arbeitswelt beigetreten.
#Bundesrepublik #Konvention #internationalenarbeitsorganisation #ILO #Arbeitswelt
RT @EESC_REX: High on DAGs' #labour agenda:
⭕️Core #ILO conventions
⭕️Social dialogue
⭕️Due diligence
Roadmaps & cooperation on the ground paramount❗️
Good engagement on the #environmental side: carbon prizing, the environmental impact of trade agreements, deforestation etc.
RT @oliverroepke: #SafeAllTheWay
Members of @WorkersEESC together at @etuc_ces street action to stop violence and harassment at work. All EU member states must ratify #ILO convention 190!
#SafeAllTheWay #ILO #InternationalWomensDay2023
See 3'46'' -4'15'' on #ILO and right to strike limitations
Indication of the ILO position is here
Good material for international labour law exam.
RT @oliverroepke: It was a great honour to host the @ilo exhibition on #ForcedLabour today at the @EU_EESC as first EU institution together with @LieveVerboven @ILOBrussels.
We need to cooperate systematically with the #ILO for decent work worldwide and to eradicate forced labour.
Wir @Europarl_DE sind uns einig: Wer sich bestechen lässt, greift unsere Demokratie an.
#Transparenz gilt für alle - auch für int. Organisationen & Vereinigungen.
Wir erwarten volle Transparenz & Aufklärung von unseren Partnern #ILO und #ETUC.
#Qatargate #Korruptionsskandal
#Transparenz #ILO #ETUC #QatarGate #Korruptionsskandal
A report issued by the International Labour Organisation has blown apart the claims by capitalist governments and central bankers around the world that interest rate hikes, now threatening to drive significant areas of the world economy into recession, are necessary to “fight #inflation” by suppressing wage demands.
#ILO report reveals deepening cuts in real wages - World Socialist Web Site
#ILO report is worrying: global wages dropped 0.9% in the first half of 2022, if China excluded 1.4%. First time since 2008 crisis. Soaring cost of living, worsening #inequality . World needs pay rise, immediately.
@IndustriALL_GU @luc_triangle @Jude_KD @IsabelleBarthes
Πάλι περικοπές σε δηλώσεις μου! Επαναλαμβάνω ότι μίλησα για τον Αραβικό κόσμο & όσα αναφέρει ο Διεθνής Οργ Εργασίας #ILO. Για αποφυγή ηθικών διαλέξεων με δυο μέτρα και δυο σταθμά & την ανάγκη να συνεργαστούμε, ώστε να βελτιωθούν περεταίρω οι συνθήκες.
RT @oliverroepke: The violation of trade union rights and of collective bargaining is unacceptable.
Where #ilo standards are not sufficient, we need new instruments.
@ilo Director General @GilbertFHoungbo addressing #ITUC2022 congress.
🇪🇺Dialogue National sur l’élimination du travail des enfants dans les filières cotonnières et l’agriculture au 🇲🇱🇪🇺
Discussion autour du projet #CLEARCotton financé par @EU_Commission
#endchildlabour #ilo #faomali
#Clearcotton #EndChildLabour #ILO #faomali
Stasera a Report lavoratori sfruttati e diritti negati in Qatar #MohammedbinHamadbinKhalifaAlThani #diritticivili #Mondiali2022 #Articoli #Diritti ##kafala #amnesty #Lavoro #Lgbtq+ #report #donne #Qatar #Asia #Rai #Ilo
#ILO #Rai #asia #qatar #donne #report #lgbtq #lavoro #amnesty #kafala #diritti #articoli #mondiali2022 #diritticivili #MohammedbinHamadbinKhalifaAlThani
Low pay, unsafe work, forced labour r still present in supply chains of many goods. We must stand up 4 decent work worldwide! @mcarmenbarrera @oliverroepke
We call for
👉a binding #UN treaty on business & human rights
👉#ILO convention on decent work in supply chains
世界で推定2,800万人が #強制労働 を課せられいるとの先日の国際労働機関(#ILO)報告書を受け、#EU ・ #日本 ・ #米国 は15日、この問題に対する懸念を共有し、ルールに基づく多角的貿易体制から、あらゆる形態の強制労働を根絶する共通の決意を確認した #EUinJapan
#強制労働 #ILO #EU #日本 #米国 #euinjapan
ЕУ,во соработка со Меѓународната организација на трудот #ILO,го поддржува јакнењето на социјалниот дијалог -повеќе на
#Mondiali2022, la denuncia di un ex dirigente dell'#ILO: "Patto segreto tra Nazioni unite e #Qatar per coprire lo sfruttamento nei cantieri" - Il Fatto Quotidiano
#onu #qatar #ILO #mondiali2022