SiLK -- Simple Learned Keypoints
Pierre Gleize, Weiyao Wang, Matt Feiszli
tl;dr: DISK simplified - trained on random homography with other augmentations -> near SOTA on #IMC2022, better than DISK or SG cosim
Also, padding is detrimental for performance.
#IMC2022 #computervision #deeplearning #dmytrotweetsaboutdl
The video upload ban (3 month from the conf) is over, here is a video from Image Matching Workshop 2022:
#IMC2022 #IMW2022 #CVPR2022
There are timestamps in the description for easier navigation.
We are proud to announce that we were represented at #IMC2022. More precisely, our manuscript Ms 827: Together we send our most medieval greetings to @UniversityLeeds!