Delighted to have attended the 34th Graduation Ceremony of the IMO International Maritime Law Institute #IMLI. Well done to all graduates, & Prof. Norman A. Martínez Gutiérrez, Director of IMLI, & Mr Kitack Lim, IMO Secretary-General, for their leadership & contribution to #IMO.
Good discussions with 🇬🇧 Sec of State Mark Harper on support to 🇺🇦 & especially the lifeline #Solidarity Lanes. Commitment to continue fruitful coop on GHG emissions reductions in multilateral fora #IMO #ICAO.
Today's G7 Transport Ministerial meeting on Sustainability is a proof of the G7’s determination to decarbonise transport. Commitment to achieve ambitious outcomes at upcoming multilateral meetings in #IMO and #ICAO.
Support and encouragement of relevant organisations such as @IMOHQ reinforce 🇪🇺#OperationAtalanta. Visit the IMO website for more information on the recent meeting between @OpComd_EUNAVFOR & #IMO SG Kitack Lim👉
@eu_eeas @CMF_Bahrain @EMASOH_AGENOR
Content Wrappers are cool! I'd be so happy if they were used on all Political (esp all Alberta) toots. I joined a "Canadian" Mastodon instance with purpose and that wasn't to read about Alberta or US politics, one of reasons I deleted my bird acct. I don't care to see anything about Sean Chu popping up, he disgusts me. CW's allow me to read political updates that I care about, and to quickly scroll past others. #abpolitics #IMO
Not being able to #reTweet forces #amplifying the OP's message. If you have something to say about it that's what #reply is for. #IMO
#IMO #reply #amplifying #reTweet
Fazit: #Klimaziele über Bord! Schwache Ziele, viele Ausnahmen, wenig Anreiz. #EU will bei Weltschifffahrtsorganisation #IMO Druck machen, liefert aber zuhause nicht. Fail!
⚓️ Dziś obchodzimy Światowy Dzień Morza (#WorldMaritimeDay) ⚓️.
Ustanowiony przez Międzynarodową Organizację Morską (International Maritime Organization - #IMO).
Change is possible! #innovation #shipping #zeroemission #IMO #climate @IMOHQ
RT @BillGates: The brilliant team behind the Oceanbird is reducing carbon emissions in the sailing industry by up to 90% using clean wind power technology.
#innovation #shipping #ZeroEmission #IMO #climate
RT @OliverVarhelyi: I started my visit with a good exchange w/ the #vetting institutions & #IMO in Tirana today. Reconfirmed EU’s full & strong support. Integrity of judges & prosecutors is key to future of 🇦🇱 in the 🇪🇺. Attacking vetting bodies and their members or their families must stop!
RT @OliverVarhelyi: I started my visit with a good exchange w/ the #vetting institutions & #IMO in Tirana today. Reconfirmed EU’s full & strong support. Integrity of judges & prosecutors is key to future of 🇦🇱 in the 🇪🇺. Attacking vetting bodies and their members or their families must stop!
I started my visit with a good exchange w/ the #vetting institutions & #IMO in Tirana today. Reconfirmed EU’s full & strong support. Integrity of judges & prosecutors is key to future of 🇦🇱 in the 🇪🇺. Attacking vetting bodies and their members or their families must stop!