@Nodami @archaeodons #AskAnArchaeologist Concerning the second question, who hires us, there is a great lot of answers to that question. The answer also greatly varies according to the country. In France, indeed, archaeologists do work for universities, but most of them are employed by the #INRAP a national institute in charge of archaeological surveys and research in the whole country (and unfortunately not present in the Fediverse).
end of the list: #archeodon #INRAP #medievalmonday #StandingStoneSunday #TombTuesday #NeolithicNovember #RuinedPrioryFriday #HillfortsWednesday #EpigraphyTuesday #hadrianwallwednesday #RomanFortThursday
Also, when I look for people's profile on the Mastodon App, the profiles are generally empty, but when I browse on my PC, there is a link to the person's profile on their server and I can see the complete profile, it might be one of your problem too.
#archeodon #INRAP #medievalmonday #StandingStoneSunday #TombTuesday #NeolithicNovember #ruinedprioryfriday #HillfortsWednesday #EpigraphyTuesday #hadrianwallwednesday #romanfortthursday
Les ruines du villa luxueuse découvertes à Nîmes par l'INRAP.
Nouvelles Découvertes Remarquables Au Camp De Sarlier À Aubagne (Bouches-Du-Rhône)- les occupations néolithiques et la nécropole protohistorique https://www.inrap.fr/nouvelles-decouvertes-remarquables-au-camp-de-sarlier-aubagne-bouches-du-rhone-16973 #Inrap #néolithique #France
@cgdt37 Lors des fouilles archéologiques préventives précédent la construction de la LGV #Tours-#Bordeaux, j'ai eu l'occasion de fouiller plusieurs souterrains à #Maillé, sous contrat avec l' #Inrap ...
:mastoread: #archéodon #Touraine #spéléo
#tours #bordeaux #Maille #INRAP #archeodon #touraine #speleo