Esto que cuenta @voooos en Science es fascinante: Investigadores y técnicos a bordo del JOIDES Resolution, el buque insignia del programa #IODP, han recuperado en un sondeo más de UN KILÓMETRO de peridotita, una roca del manto. 🤯
El sondeo está en el Atlántico Norte, cerca de la dorsal mesoatlántica, donde la corteza es muy fina.
‼️ Muy imporante para estudio del magmatismo y evolución de la #Tierra.
#geología #petrología #geofísica #geoquímica #ciencia #noticias
#IODP #tierra #geologia #petrologia #geofisica #geoquimica #ciencia #noticias
2/ L’actualité scientifique du 1er trimestre 2023 : une étude de la morphologie de l’#Etna qui montre que le #volcan a changé de point culminant, gagnant 20 mètres ; une étude faisant un lien entre baisse du niveau marin et activité volcanique à #Hawaï ; les effets atmosphériques de l’éruption du Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha‘apai… On évoque aussi les forages qui viennent d’être effectués à Santorin par le programme #IODP. Ici le navire de forage dans la #caldeira du volcan (CC BY Thomas Ronge IODP JRSO)
#Etna #volcan #hawai #IODP #caldeira
This is how we see #Antarctica - at the centre of it all. #SWAIS2C is a couple of the proposed dots on the #WestAntarcticIceSheet as we will be #ScientificDrilling in two locations to understand whether the #icesheet melted in temperatures similar to 2 degrees of warming. Thanks to #IODP for the map.
#antarctica #SWAIS2C #westantarcticicesheet #scientificdrilling #icesheet #IODP
❗️The #IODP Australian & New Zealand Consortium #ANZIC has been funded for the next 2 years! 🥳🎉
The ANZIC Office is excited to support our amazing community to engage with this vitally important international research capability. Thank you CIs & Steve Eggins for the amazing leadership #ARCfunded #LIEF #LE23 #ScientificOceanDrilling #KeepDrilling
Outcomes announced publicly for Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities 2023!
See ARC's RMS for list ➡️…
#KeepDrilling #ScientificOceanDrilling #le23 #LIEF #ARCfunded #ANZIC #IODP
A quick #introduction post - I'm a micropaleontologist of #Radiolaria at the Australian National University #anu , where I manage the International Ocean Discovery Program #IODP for the Australian and New Zealand Consortium #ANZIC.
I also love painting in my free time and raising the profile of #WomenInSTEM
#science #micropaleontology #scicomm #ScientificOceanDrilling
#ScientificOceanDrilling #scicomm #micropaleontology #science #womeninstem #ANZIC #IODP #anu #Radiolaria #introduction
A quick #introduction post - I'm a micropaleontologist of #Radiolarians at the National University of Australia, where I manage the International Ocean Discovery Program #IODP for the Australian and New Zealand Consortium #ANZIC.
I also love painting in my free time and raising the profile of #WomenInSTEM
#scicomm #micropaleontology #science #womeninstem #ANZIC #IODP #Radiolarians #introduction