New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Massive superfluid vortices and vortex necklaces on a planar annulus
Matteo Caldara, Andrea Richaud, Massimo Capone, Pietro Massignan
SciPost Phys. 15, 057 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #SISSA #UPC #IOM #AgenciaEstataldeInvestigación #GovernmentofCatalonia #HORIZONEUROPEMarieSklodowska #MIUR
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Quantum annealing for neural network optimization problems: A new approach via tensor network simulations
Guglielmo Lami, Pietro Torta, Giuseppe E. Santoro, Mario Collura
SciPost Phys. 14, 117 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #SISSA #ICTP #IOM #INFNTrieste #Horizon2020 #ec
RT @MIAofGeorgia: Special equipment and vehicles were handed over to the Border Police with the support of the European Union. @EUinGeorgia #IOM
RT @GianlucaRocco_: 📌Great discussions today at the International Meeting on #Migration Challenges and opportunities in 🇬🇷.
🤝A unique opportunity to strengthen the ongoing cooperation between #IOM & the Orthodox Partners, for the benefit of #migrants and local populations around the world.
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Enhancement of chiral edge currents in (d+1)-dimensional atomic Mott-band hybrid insulators
Matteo Ferraretto, Andrea Richaud, Lorenzo Del Re, Leonardo Fallani, Massimo Capone
SciPost Phys. 14, 048 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #SISSA #MaxPlanckInstituteforSolidStateResearch #GeorgetownUniversity #INO #UniFI #lens #IOM #MIUR #doe
Another specialised #Helpline: this time for 55+y.o in UK. who need someone to talk whether because of #loneliness or for other reasons. I hadnæ previously reälised that #TheSilverLine was originally trialled in #Manchester & #IOM prior to going national. These days it is a part of #AgeUK.
Herewith the link to the about page on the #SilverLine dedicated website.
#helpline #loneliness #thesilverline #manchester #IOM #AgeUK #SilverLine
🟢 Humanity and the #RuleofLaw are in the #EU’s most basic interests – if these go unheeded at its external borders, they can hardly be defended within, writes Neda Noraie-Kia:
#migration #asylum #Italy #Greece #UNHCR #IOM
#RuleofLaw #eu #migration #asylum #italy #greece #unhcr #IOM
RT @IOMGREECE: An #IOM #AVRR charter ✈ departed from Athens 🇬🇷 to Tbilisi 🇬🇪 supporting 130 Georgian nationals to return to their home country with safety & dignity.
A big thanks the 🇬🇷 Asylum Service & @migrationgovgr for their support for the successful organization of the charter flight.
RT @GermanyUNGeneva: Germany as member of the @UNmigration family and the #IOM Bureau is celebrating the joint success: Budget Reform adopted after herculanean efforts of all actors.
Azra Ibrahimovic Srebrenica #iom dirige le centre d'accueil temporaire #ušivak à #hadžiči avec une équipe de moins de 50 personnes. La situation est plus calme cette année avec un afflux important de personnes ces dernières années et avec le covid19.
Nous quittons désormais le centre d'accueil temporaire de Ušivak à Hadžići. Capacité 800 p. : 21430 personnes y ont été enregistrées depuis mai 2018. Aujourd'hui moins de 200 y sont
Sont présents #IOM #DRC #BHWI #UNFPA #WorldVision #MDM
#IOM #DRC #BHWI #UNFPA #WorldVision #MDM