· @WorkScientist
1 followers · 127 posts · Server toot.community

RT @iopsychmemes@twitter.com

The Job Demands-Control model says autonomy (control) helps mitigate negative effects of job demands. It’s been replaced by the Job Demands-Resources model, but it’s still a classic. (rerun)

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/iopsychmemes/statu

#stress #OHPsych #IOPsych #iopsychmemes #psychology #psychologymemes #psychmemes #APpsych

Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Byrd · @ByrdNick
541 followers · 97 posts · Server nerdculture.de

What kinds of interactions distinguish high- from low-performing groups (when it comes to )?

56 were split into groups of 4 to do some .

Video content analysis found the top 27% of groups
- interrupted less
- had more positive, fewer negative interactions
- joked, laughed, and smiled more (sometimes to diffuse potential conflict)
than the bottom 27% of groups.

(N = 56, 14 groups of 4)


#criticalthinking #students #argumentmapping #IOPsych #decisionscience #teaching

Last updated 2 years ago

Steven Zhou · @szzhou4
102 followers · 14 posts · Server sciences.social

OK, so it's been a few weeks now, and it looks like there's a growing positive community. So here's my :

I'm a PhD candidate in at George Mason, studying , , & the academic-practitioner gap. I usually teach undergrad psych . Finally, I'm a Grad Assistant in the GMU Grad Division, where I help with and project management.

Full bio: io.gmu.edu/people/4191

Thx for connecting!

@socialpsych @orgbehavior @academicchatter

#Mastodon #Introduction #IOPsych #leadership #psychometrics #stats #dataviz

Last updated 2 years ago

Steven Zhou · @szzhou4
102 followers · 14 posts · Server sciences.social

OK, so it's been a few weeks now, and it looks like there's a growing positive community. So here's my :

I'm a PhD candidate in at George Mason, studying , , & the academic-practitioner gap. I usually teach undergrad psych . Finally, I'm a Grad Assistant in the GMU Grad Division, where I help with and project management.

Full bio: io.gmu.edu/people/4191

Thx for connecting!

@socialpsych @orgbehavior @academicchatter

#Mastodon #Introduction #IOPsych #leadership #psychometrics #stats #dataviz

Last updated 2 years ago

j_p_ford · @employee41
9 followers · 14 posts · Server mindly.social

Hi πŸ‘‹
I'm John. Day job in in

By trade a and practitioner, improving processes & making workplace data visible & intelligible.

Interests: , , , , , , , , .

Involved in my community: the Coalition, my neighborhood association, and an antiracism alliance, a local book club.

#workforcedevelopment #baltimore #localgovernment #BusinessAnalyst #IOPsych #UMD13 #Foreignpolicy #worldhistory #opensource #economics #politics #philosophy #psychology #writing #gaming #LiveableStreets #SURJ

Last updated 2 years ago

Jeff Lees · @leesplez
346 followers · 14 posts · Server fediscience.org

Do you research organizational behavior (micro or macro)?

Then follow the @orgbehavior *group*!

How does a "group" work? Well it's a bot that will Boost any Toot that tags it, meaning that if you follow @orgbehavior you will see any Toot where it's tagged.

It's an easy way to keep up to date on the latest OB work, and share your research with the community!

So *please follow* πŸ™

This only works if the community uses it!

#sociology #management #socialpsych #IOPsych #business #psychology

Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Byrd · @ByrdNick
368 followers · 68 posts · Server nerdculture.de

: what has it found so far?

How are different platforms preferred, used, etc.?

Think about the differences between, say,
- zoom.us
- slack.com
- gather.town
- whova.com

These are VERY different!

Surely people have preferences for/against some platforms and surely each platform trades some costs/benefits for others.

#virtualconference #research #virtal #conference #wfm #remotework #technology #accessibility #IOPsych #edu #academicchatter

Last updated 2 years ago

· @WorkScientist
1 followers · 43 posts · Server toot.community