TFW “filed a patent” in a news story really means “registered a trademark.” *loud sigh* #IP #LawFedi
TikTok Inches Closer to Global Attack on Spotify, Apple Music - Variety
I suspect #Apple's ongoing #trademark bullying is the product of some senior in-house #IP counsel engaging in borderline unethical nest-feathering with a fake problem whose solution not only harms the public but doesn't serve the company's legitimate branding interests in any real way. There's a huge amount of straight-up counterfeiting that actually harms Apple's customers and it's hard to see how this kind of marginal ™ maximalism will help curb that.
I suspect #Apple's ongoing #trademark bullying is the product of some senior in-house #IP counsel engaging in borderline unethical nest-feathering with a fake problem whose solution not only harms the public but doesn't serve the company's legitimate branding interests in any real way. There's a huge amount of straight-up counterfeiting that actually harms Apple's customers and it's hard to see how this kind of marginal maximalism helps that mission.
Chinese Organizations Form Quantum Computer Patent Alliance #Quantum_Computing_Business #Alliance #Baidu #china #Intellectual_Property #IP #patent #patent_alliance #quantumdaily China is forming an alliance on its quantum computing patent portfolio, according to reports from Asian media. A group of Chinese-based organizations created the Intellectual Property (IP) Alliance for Quantum Computing Industry and its affiliated patent pool in Beijing. The alli
#Quantum_Computing_Business #Alliance #Baidu #china #Intellectual_Property #IP #patent #patent_alliance #quantumdaily
CONGRATS to my friend and co-clerk Emily Chapuis being named Deputy GC of the #Copyright Office!!! #IP
Traveling today to Boston for #wipip2023 and really looking forward to hearing new things from old friends. #copyright #IP #lawfedi
#wipip2023 #copyright #IP #lawfedi
So jazzed to get spam e-mails about setting up support for all my #IP needs—until I realize the IP is "immunoprecipitation." 😅
For #IP folks, you owe it to yourself to watch The Pez Outlaw (on Netflix). Incredible
WotC announces it will leave its OGL 1.0 license untouched _and_ publishes version 5.1 of the standard D&D reference document under a CC (@creativecommons) license. Invites users to choose their license. For now, this looks like a total retreat, but exoect WotC to regroup and try other strategies for extracting value from the D&D ecosystem.
Background on the episode here:
EPO: Quantum Computing’s Patent Growth is Multiplying, Leads Tech Industry #Quantum_Computing_Business #collaboration #Europe #Intellectual_Property #IP #patents #quantumdaily Insider Brief The European Patent Organization (EPO) reports that the number of inventions in the field of quantum computing multiplied over the last decade. Roughly one out of ten European patent applications in the field of quantum computing has several patent applicants, suggest
#Quantum_Computing_Business #collaboration #Europe #Intellectual_Property #IP #patents #quantumdaily
Thrilled to host @nicholson next month to talk about Cryptic Drug #Patent Reform as part of a recently reinvigorated #Illinois #IP Program! Come one, come all!
📃 #Openscience and #IP: the dilemma
GDE 22 Report and Recording
#OS has developed steadily and soon has become central in the #research world, for #business, and for citizens.
#OpenScience #IP #os #research #business
📃 #Openscience and #IP: the dilemma
GDE 22 Report and Recording
#OS has developed steadily and soon has become central in the #research world, for #business, and for citizens.
Find it at 👉
#OpenScience #IP #os #research #business
The horse has already left the barn. New portals are already up.
#law #copyright #IP #piracy #worldcup #streaming #television
#law #copyright #IP #piracy #worldcup #streaming #television
They agreed to metric. They don't like results of the metric. They call foul for not using different metric. Investments in Cda R&D are order of magnitude lower than in comparator countries despite continued upping #IP rights. After 30 years, time for Cda to adopt new approach.
We are the Health Justice Initiative.
#a2m #healthjustice #medicineaccess #IP #TRIPS #vaccineEquity #a2medicines
#A2M #healthjustice #medicineaccess #IP #trips #VaccineEquity #a2medicines
The Garden of Eden remains a trade secret, though.
#ip #patent #crt #CriticalRaceTheory
#IP #patent #crt #CriticalRaceTheory
@SundermannAJ you can probably even claim the hashtag #IP or #IPMastodon and not have it be about intellectual property!
@claasgefroi Ich habe somit kein Problem auf beiden #Plattformen zu Hause zu sein! Doch halte ich mir das Recht vor, auf der einen alles selbst zu kontrollieren! Das zeigt heute wieder @nancyfacer abspeichern von #IP-Adressen und das Abbauen einer #Demokratie um an Ihrer Ideologie festzuhalten. Siehe Asyl, wo eine #Gesellschaft mit hineingezogen wird, die es anders sieht. Ich sehe damit weiter die Spaltung des Landes. Dass auch nicht mehr meine Gesellschaft ist, die ich so unterstützen werde.🤫
#Plattformen #IP #demokratie #gesellschaft