I'm looking for a IP Address Management Tool #IPAM . If it's open source, than it's the best way, but not must. Target is to manage all IP addresses from a company.
Best process:
- approval workflow
- Manage IP ranges
- Manage IP addresses
I found #NIPAP - but I dodn't try at the moment. Another one is #GestióIP - this looks fine but the last update is 2 years ago.
Anyone can help me please to find the right IP Address Management Tool?
RT @ipam_ucla
Prof Terry Tao received 2022 Grand Médaille of the French Academy of Sciences. The award was conferred today (3/21) at the Great Hall of the Inst. de France. Congrats, Terry! #IPAM #MozartOfMath
@djalbat @holbot All the available talks can be found either on the #IPAM youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGzuiiLdQZu9wxDNJHO_JnA or by navigating to the individual talks in the #MachineAssistedProofs workshop web page https://www.ipam.ucla.edu/programs/workshops/machine-assisted-proofs/?tab=schedule .
@holbot @djalbat This recent #IPAM #MachineAssistedProofs talk by Jason Rute discusses the state of the art in this direction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5ew0BrRm_I (also discussed here at https://mathstodon.xyz/@tao/109875787762679762 )
Tom's work seems to exemplify another aspect of "machine assisted proofs," the topic of last week's excellent #IPAM workshop organized by @tao @jsellenberg et al.
In general, there's a lot of excitement in the air, and potentially the Navier-Stokes Millenial problem is within reach (!?)
Again, I’m NOT an expert in PDEs. Don’t sue me if I got anything wrong 😂
Inspired by the recent #IPAM conference on #MachineAssistedProofs, I wrote a blog post inviting discussion regarding the possibility of automatically generating a logical diagram for a given mathematical paper. https://terrytao.wordpress.com/2023/02/18/would-it-be-possible-to-create-a-tool-to-automatically-diagram-papers/
P8's proof can be shortened, in fact. The three statements that appear after the "Hence' can all be omitted. They are there only to make the proof more readable.
Woop, just this moment finished verifying Peano's axioms bar the last. I think P5 and P7 are my favourites for their simplicity. P8 is probably the most interesting as a proof, however.
On to deriving the Principal of Induction next, which has been a goal for several years now.
Explicit type inference is now working. Automatic or implicit type inference was not going to work for technical reasons.
#IPAM has a “raise hand robot” (built by the director himself). Diring question time in talks, remote participants can raise their hand, causing the robot to raise theirs so that the session chair can be alerted to unmute the participant.
The #IPAM workshop on #MachineAssistedProofs (which I am the lead organizer of) starts in less than an hour: http://www.ipam.ucla.edu/programs/workshops/machine-assisted-proofs/ . As an experiment, I plan to make some occasional posts on the workshop as comments to this post. (For people not already registered, the talks will be made available online one to two weeks after the event.)
New Video! MaaS or Metal as a service from Canonical is a great way to provision bare metal machines as well as virtual machines. MaaS allows you to deploy Windows, Linux, ESXi, and many other operating systems to your systems helping you to build a bare metal cloud.
#maas #opensource #metalasaservice #ubuntu #packer #hashicorp #dhcp #ipam #dns #canonical #imaging #hashicorppacker #vlan #edge
#maas #opensource #metalasaservice #ubuntu #packer #hashicorp #dhcp #IPAM #dns #canonical #imaging #HashicorpPacker #vlan #edge
Completed a bunch of things in the lab today, including a variety of failures which resulted in earned learning.
I have been wanting to use Netbox as an IPAM/DCIM solution in the lab. The main draw has been so I can organize my network. I was hoping to be able to use the Proxmox SDN IPAM functionality to automatically import VM's, IP's, etc.
I was able to get it spun up in Docker and configured a variety of CI's but after adding it to the SDN configuration I don't see any activity even when including the API. I also verified the API URL and it's working so I don't know if there's something else necessary to start getting new items in Netbox from Proxmox. I looked around in the forums and didn't see anything useful.
For now I am stuck with manual additions until I can figure out why Proxmox can't push updates over. I did see there is a specific plugin called netbox-proxbox but I would have to build that plugin into Netbox and I'm not ready to do that just yet. It looks like that plugin basically requests the data from Proxmox in more of a pull approach.
I'm posting more in the replies below so I don't spam the feeds. Read on if you'd like -->
#homelab #selfhosted #proxmox #docker #netbox #ipam #dcim #rancher #vscode #powerdnsadmin #powerdns #codimd #caddy #ghost #tinyproxy #keycloak
#homelab #selfhosted #proxmox #docker #netbox #IPAM #DCIM #rancher #vscode #powerdnsadmin #powerdns #codimd #caddy #ghost #tinyproxy #keycloak