They seem to be following thought processes similar to what we suggested at one stage. Ie. Do they own too many IP Addresses? Yes? Block.

Not a bad metric but IPv6 is setup to issue a psychotic numbers of though, yes?

How many IPAddresses does Sucuri control?

Did you see the section on building your own list for a ? Might be useful as an addition. Apparenyly they haven't explored IBM and a couple others yet either.


#IPAddresses #dotcon

Last updated 1 year ago

@atomicpoet @Joseph @lispi314
Could yes, but it could mean the opposite also. Govts are likely to hide some communications using systems like I2P/Tor.

The DDOS appears to have been to deanonymise the lead dev of who mysteriously disappeared earlier this month. Unless that dev was in Russia we don't believe I2P was attacked by them.

Can we determine the blocked from the from the recent source code/updates of I2P? Answer will be there in plain sight.

#i2prouter #IPAddresses #ddos

Last updated 2 years ago

Its a terrible idea to use a like CloudFlare even once or for a short time, any data passed to and from the server is intercepted and assessed during that time.

Does have any default protections? Such as temporarily blocking , and other measures?

Agree, anyone involved in ought to know to use .

@bbbhltz @fosstodon

#extortionRacket #mastodon #ddos #IPAddresses #foss #i2p

Last updated 2 years ago

Tomas Ekeli · @tomasekeli
689 followers · 2237 posts · Server snabelen.no

when writing - don't use real or . you never know what will grab those and use them.

there are reserved and for just this!

for : the top-level-domains
.test, .example, .invalid and .localhost and the domain example.com are reserved

for ip-adresses the blocks, and are reserved

they are always safe to use in

#technicaldocumentation #urls #IPAddresses #domains #ipranges #url #documentation

Last updated 2 years ago

@atomicpoet @evcjackson
The DeCloudflare git project is hosted at all good, git repos.

It also has a list of CloudFlare ASN from which anyone can produce a list of to block, for as long as needed.

We encourage Fedi instances to volunteer to operate an opt-in bot called or , a friendly alligator that warns followers when they post a link to CloudFlare.

Please come forward.

Don't sit idly by and wait for fedi to disintegrate.

#IPaddress #IPAddresses #mastodon #MITMGator #MitiGator

Last updated 2 years ago

We are considering updating the C.A.G.E.F.A.M. acronym.

We feel we may need to add out of that own more than 1 million addresses. Do , or own extreme numbers of ?

Similarly do or have over 1 million?

Together we can make an acronym with even greater purpose.

#dotcons #china #ipv4 #tencent #bytedance #alibaba #IPAddresses #ibm #oracle

Last updated 2 years ago

Trying to rank the is not so important.

Once any have over 1 million you know they can be a menace, no matter what they say or do.

We remember someone very intelligent saying governments should measure , not just by industry buyouts but by the number of IP addresses they own.

We're inclined to agree. Some have millions of IP addresses (). One million is more than enough.

Likewise, 16m = too many.

#dotcons #IPAddresses #antitrust #ipv4 #ipv6 #monopoly #cageFam #akamai #cloudflare #amazon

Last updated 2 years ago

We think the first step is setting a limit on how many a person or entity has access to.

1million IPv4 and 16mn IPv6 is should be more than enough.

#IPAddresses #antitrust #antimonopoly #law

Last updated 2 years ago


The article above has some strange ideas, like rejecting because they use a purple colour?

Unfortunately requires JavaScript to search? Strange. Maybe there is a movement we're not aware of.

BTW, is literally hosted on Microsoft-owned / servers.



#startpage #PreSearch #makeJavascriptMandatory #ddg #IPAddresses #searchengines #makejavascriptoptional

Last updated 3 years ago

Quietly (but finally) adds to the blocklist, TurdSite .

#firewall #IPAddresses #cidr #blocklist

Last updated 3 years ago

Is it ethical for a to not publish their for critical services, putting aside for the moment the question as to whether it is ethical for a multinational to operate critical .

#multinational #IPAddresses #infrastructure #ethics

Last updated 3 years ago

We are getting desperate, basically the award for most the stingey, money-hungry and privacy-abusing for goes to… *drumroll*


They basic want to do a cavity search of your rectum and beyond to search their database. Does anyone know how to get out of these prickly propositionists?

#registrar #internetNumbers #CIDRs #apnic #IPAddresses #whois

Last updated 3 years ago

They say write code:

NEW LAW:– No corporate entity may have control over more that 1 million IPv4 addresses, and 16 million IPv6.

Ready. Fedi. Go!!

If they can't operate an with 17 million they ought to go for a long swim on a short ocean (or something like that).

Boost to summon the .

#cypherpunks #internet #isp #IPAddresses #tooBigToExist #TheInternet #isps #antitrust

Last updated 3 years ago

NEW LAW:– No entity may have control over more that 1 million IPv4 addresses, and 4 million IPv6.

We feel like this is a fair thing.

If you can't operate an with 5 million then go sit in that corner and cry us a river.

#antitrust #isp #IPAddresses #TheInternet #isps

Last updated 3 years ago

SINCE THE START of coronavirus, the filesize of owned by saw a more than four fold increase!

Going from 280kb to 1.2Mb!


We realise filesize is a fairly loose metric for but its alarming nonetheless.

#IPAddresses #amazon #IPRanges #cageFam #internetAttack #monopoly #plutocracy #BlockAmazon #Scamazon #ethScamTokens #ethereumScam #cbdc #aws

Last updated 3 years ago

Last we heard, is for content and and webBrowsers are almost exclusively for and .

Are in the US getting other ideas?

(Also related are or for learning whether a site is )

#html #website #css #layout #presentation #centralPlanners #HTTPResponses #IPAddresses #cloudflare

Last updated 3 years ago

(pronounced re-snet) verb: to reset ones internet, or to switch ones modem on and off again.

This can also be done in as a form of against laws whereby assigned to users must be stored by for two years.

By using automated methods, were able to overload the system.

(may not be a true story… yet)

#Resnet #australia #protest #dataretention #IPAddresses #isps #resnetting #protestors

Last updated 4 years ago