Beyond shocking that it has been well over a decade since the term was abolished, yet still no release or resentencing for so many IPP prisoners. (5-min read; note: discusses mental health conditions, self-harm, attempted suicide)
#justice #government #sentencing #prison #prisoners #MentalHealth #society #HumanRights #IPP #UK
#UK #IPP #HumanRights #society #mentalhealth #prisoners #prison #sentencing #Government #Justice
"There are those of us who exist in a more or less free society. And there are those who, while also living within the borders of the United Kingdom, exist in a police state. If the rest of us knew these people existed and what was being done to them in our name, we would scarcely believe it"
George Monbiot on Indefinite Public Protection prison sentences, still affecting 2892 prisoners.
#IPP #Prisons #NewLabour #PoliceState #UKPolitics
#ukpolitics #policestate #newlabour #prisons #IPP
Sozialwissenschaftliche Aufarbeitung sexualisierter Gewalt im Bistum Essen. Mehr als 400 Seiten durch eine Studie mit vertiefenden Einblicke.
Generalvikar Pfeffer berichtet, was bereits alles bewegt wurde und wir werden lernen, wie es weitergehen kann.
Er nennt es „Tiefenbohrungen“. Was ist da eigentlich passiert und wie werden wir sexualisierte Gewalt in unserer Kirche auf Zukunft verhindern?
*Diese Kirche sollte nicht gerettet werden.*
Wir sind immer noch Kirche und werden nicht aufgeben. Uns ist total klar, dass die Gemeinschaft der Glaubenden völlig anders werden muss. Aus unserer Sicht auf jeden Fall inklusiver und jesuanischer.
#IPP #inklusion #change #ruhrbistum
Android: Drucken ohne Drucker-App per IPP/IPPS
#IPP #drucker #lineageos #android
Prawicowcy to jednak stan umysłu.
W opisie na profilu musi być obowiązkowo: 🇵🇱✝️ oraz je*ać 🏳️🌈
Trafiłem akurat na grupę, która stwierdziła, że #IPP to zło w czystej postaci i tylko picie octu oraz sody oczyszczonej jest najlepszym rozwiązaniem na #refluks, chorobę wrzodową lub zapalenie żołądka 😱🤦🏼♂️
Nawet się nie kryją, że wiedzę czerpią od Zięby. Ja prdl 😡🤬
Indian Pale Pils from the kegerator... Still not so clear.
Oh well, guess I need to drink it now.
#ipp #ipa #homebrew #craftbeer #CraftBeersOfMastodon
#IPP #ipa #homebrew #craftbeer #craftbeersofmastodon
Indian Pale Pils from the kegerator... Still not so clear.
Oh well, guess I need to drink it now.
#ipp #ipa #homebrew #craftbeer #CraftBeersOfMastodon
#IPP #ipa #homebrew #craftbeer #craftbeersofmastodon
Hier trötet das Max Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik (#IPP)
#kernkraft #kernfusion #physik #IPP
I did a small part in putting a new #Emacs package on #MELPA, "ipp" for the #InternetPrintingProtocal .
#EricMarsden is the author, and he did most of the work of turning his file into an #ELPA package. Many thanks to him.
#IPP #elpa #EricMarsden #InternetPrintingProtocal #melpa #emacs
It turns out that ipp.el does work for printing a buffer to an #ipp printer. To be precise, sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. Something to do with the connection to my printer seems to be the problem, but the quick answer is to repeat M-x ipp-print-buffer until it succeeds.
Someone ought to package ipp.el for #Melpa . Even as is it would be useful.
The truth is that the #emacs #printing package should be revised. At present it is written to set up #lpr and #PostScript methods, only one of which is likely to be used. But printing is moving towards a third method, #ipp , which is not present in core Emacs.
Someone should add IPP, then refactor so that the user configures the system to her liking and doesn't select a method each time she prints.
(I guess I am theoretically capable of doing such work, but not at this point in my life.)
#IPP #postscript #lpr #printing #emacs
I'm still having trouble #printing from #emacs . The root problem appears not to be about queues or drivers, but that Emacs prints to #PostScript , not to #pdf and #IPP requires pdf [0]. Of course I can convert .ps to .pdf, but does anyone have a trick to do this automatically?
[0] Some other formats also, but not PostScript.
#IPP #pdf #postscript #emacs #printing