See also previous tweets (overlapping talk by Mette at #ISME18)
RT @EvolvedBiofilm
@MHNicolaisen on Revealing the ecology of viscosin producing microorganisms in the rhizoplane of wheat
- how to decode the microbial interactions in the rhizoplane and the influence of secondary metabolites, the Pseudomonas side of the story via viscosin
#ISME18 #PlantMicrobeInteractions2022 #NNF_INTERACT
Roeland is presenting cool unpublished data on phyllosphere microbiome - comparison of Hpa associated microbiomes at two different institutes -Utrecht and MPI in Cologne
[note to myself: where have I seen those slides? Oh yes, #ISME18 In Lausanne]
#ISME18 #PlantMicrobeInteractions2022