#IStandWithTradies #BuildTheGallows #Covid1984
RT @dnforca
The stand-off continues.
Meanwhile, these are the best words spoken today.
#IStandWithTradies #BuildTheGallows #covid1984 #melbourneprotests
#IStandWithTradies #BuildTheGallows #Everyday #Covid1984
RT @Chrissy_2697
Well said Tommy. Australia 🇦🇺 The world is watching 👀 Stand Proud 🇬🇧🇦🇺🇬🇧🇦🇺👊👊
#IStandWithTradies #BuildTheGallows #everyday #covid1984
RT @leftist_brain
2/3 They marched to Parliament House where it was heavily protected by police. The Dictator didn’t come out and face them for some reason.
#BuildTheGallows #IStandWithTradies
RT @bullshitman_org
From the Melbourne Protests
More here: https://bullshitman.org/au/
#Melbourne #melbourneprotests #melbourneprotest #IStandWithTradies
#BuildTheGallows #melbourne #melbourneprotests #Melbourneprotest #IStandWithTradies
RT @bullshitman_org
From the Melbourne Protests
More here: https://bullshitman.org/au/
#Melbourne #melbourneprotests #melbourneprotest #IStandWithTradies
#melbourne #melbourneprotests #Melbourneprotest #IStandWithTradies
RT @AndyNic99
Couple a hundred I’d reckon 🤔 #freedom #NoVaccineMandates #IStandWithTradies https://twitter.com/bethanycherisse/status/1440189314537705480
#freedom #NoVaccineMandates #IStandWithTradies
RT @CraigKellyMP
‘Together, United, We'll Never Be Defeated’
Dan is trashing our Freedoms
Dan is trashing our Human Right of #InformedConsent
Time to GO Dan
The people have come together at today’s Melbourne Freedom Walk to stand up for our Freedoms
#IStandWithTradies https://twitter.com/messagesfromk/status/1440205841613815811
#informedconsent #TradieProtest #IStandWithTradies
RT @CraigKellyMP
What a joke
Dan shut down the construction industry to PUNISH & be a DICTATOR
Wow, he got that WRONG
Melbourne Freedom Walk today proved DAN wrong
People are NOT going to take it anymore
Time to GO Dan https://twitter.com/aussieval10/status/1440137445211729929
#IStandWithTradies #TradieProtest
#auspol #thelastdaysofdan
RT @BabaBoon17
To give you an idea of just how many have showed up so far... #IStandWithTradies
Credit: @therealrukshan - https://m.facebook.com/watch/live/?extid=NS-UNK-UNK-UNK-UNK_GK0T-GK1C&v=572417687290324&ref=sharing&_rdr
#auspol #thelastdaysofdan #IStandWithTradies