@tazgetroete Dass die #ITF da noch nicht ne Stellungnahme rausgeholzt hat wundert mich...
Immerhin haben die alle #Solidarität zusammen!
#Nullknoten #Cottbus - soll noch Mal einer sagen, dass in Deutschland der #ITF nicht funktioniert.😎
Thank you for the great concert at #ITF, .@GayeSuAkyol ! We had a wonderful time! Great musicians and artists!
#Frankfurt #GayeSuAkyol
RT @DMBrookfield
Last year @Wimbledon took the correct moral stance by denying 🇷🇺& 🇧🇾 players
It has now succumbed to #blackmail from the #ATP #WTA & #ITF
#Tennis has sided with #Genocide
History should tell the story of how Wimbeldon DID NOT take 🇷🇺 money, not that it supported #genocide https://twitter.com/DmytroKuleba/status/1641789759356907527
#blackmail #atp #wta #ITF #tennis #genocide
I’ll do this now as The Murricans will be coming to life soon and it might get lost in the noise and I can go back to hiding behind the couch
Apparently it’s the etiquette, so: #introduction
Do a little “consulting” / support to small businesses on Security and IT (really, you used “consulting”? That’s a bit pretentious of you Old Chap…) Know my way around AD/AAD/MS365/Exchange quite well. Pretty good at email-security, inbound and outbound. Provide some #SecurityAwarenessTraining and #SimulatedPhishing (I find the Social Engineering side great fun)
#CompTIA #Security+ #A+ #ITF+ #Apple #ACSP certified. Studying for EC-CEH but might try for #PNPT and #eJPT first to get my feet wet (can’t afford to fail and re-take CEH at THAT price!)
Don’t expect too much, I don’t do anything super exciting
Started in IT at 60. Helpdesk > Support Engineer > SysAdmin > bored but found a passion for CyberSecurity > quit job to study. Aiming for #PNPT, #eJPT and #CEH before I hit 70. Have a little over 18 months to get there. Wish me luck!
#introduction #securityawarenesstraining #simulatedphishing #comptia #security #a #ITF #apple #acsp #PNPT #eJPT #ceh
The #DavisCup is the #WorldCup of #tennis and it is held every year in November. #Canada won it for the first time this year. Here are the all-time winners of the Davis Cup:
Country-number of titles-last won
The Davis Cup Trophy stands at 110cm, and the players get a miniature replica. The pic is of the Serbia team that won in 2010. #ITF
#ITF #spain #sweden #greatbritain #France #Australia #USA #Canada #tennis #worldcup #daviscup