Studio Sandier · @StudioSandier
3 followers · 5 posts · Server

@adamgreattweet I knew my team was when posted our open seats with the requirement "must have 10+ years experience working with Server 2019".

#doomed #hr #windows #ITGuy #DatacenterLife

Last updated 2 years ago

Was dismantling some old gear today and found a bunch of signs of an old friend who used to work with me: his specific style of running cables, his handwriting on some asset tags, etc., and it got me really down. It was good times when he was on my team and it's sad to think that every day there's less of his work still in our environment. I know it's silly but it makes me feel a sense of loss.

#ITGuy #DatacenterLife #sysadmin #evenengineershavefeelings

Last updated 2 years ago

Here we are at 11PM and I can't stop yawning so let's do THREE GOOD THINGSℒ️!

πŸ›€ Took a long, hot, shower and tried out new shampoo and conditioner. Felt amazing.

πŸ₯³ Good news about work (we are not moving a data center that I was very scared we were going to move).

πŸ’ Made plans for hockey this weekend!

#3goodthings #ThreeGoodThings #ITGuy #DatacenterLife

Last updated 2 years ago

@bryanmsmith I'm'a be that insufferable that reminds you not to use any password manager bc this will inevitably happen to all of them.


Last updated 2 years ago

@TheCyborgintheGarden @bitchpeas Ugh, this is a great question to which I don't have a good answer. is pretty good about having online resources for server products, but the desktop products are really neglected. They do have *some* online materials, e.g.:

Otherwise if you don't have access to something like I'd probably point you at YouTube or Reddit πŸ˜•

#microsoft #linkedinlearning #ITGuy #DatacenterLife #windows #stupidcomputers

Last updated 2 years ago

AndThisIsMrsPeacock · @andthisismrspeacock
159 followers · 738 posts · Server


me: Why would anyone be so excited about multi-protocol label switching?

my brain: it's not just tech people here anymore

me: Oh, right, right right... Minneapolis?

my brain: makes a lot more sense here's some dopamine

#mpls #DatacenterLife #ITGuy #thisiswhyengineersaresociallyawkward

Last updated 2 years ago

AndThisIsMrsPeacock · @andthisismrspeacock
159 followers · 738 posts · Server

Of course the network team at Big Software Company picked the nicest Saturday of the fall to keep us all indoors while their switch migration went 6 hours over schedule πŸ₯Ί

#DatacenterLife #ITGuy #WeekendFail

Last updated 2 years ago