If you're on #Windows for anything other than work or PC gaming, you need to start #ChangingYourPerspective. #Linux has always been a solid alternative, specifically in the past 15 years. Yes, in its earliest days it was a niche OS that required someone technical savvy. Today you can make Linux function/look exactly as you want it to - and it's a #MoreSecure #OpenSource platform that is truly universal. There are now literally millions of #developers to support it, plus #ITPros and #hackers that use it daily! If you're on an #Andoird or #ChromeOS device - YOU'RE ON LINUX!! :linux: Time to make the move! If you have an old computer, you can revive it by installing #Linux! #Distros I personally like: #Ubuntu and #PopOS are VERY #UserFriendly. #ArchLinux is great. If you're more security minded, #KaliLinux is your boy. #RedHat will always have a special place in my heart AND is a solid alternative for the enterprise because they have professional support services available. Get to it! #TuxRules #LinuxMigration
#windows #changingyourperspective #linux #moresecure #opensource #developers #ITPros #hackers #andoird #chromeos #distros #ubuntu #popos #userfriendly #archlinux #kalilinux #redhat #tuxrules #linuxmigration
@FlashMobOfOne I caught that as well. Outside of us #paranoid #ITPros and a small group of #TechEnthusiests who are mindful, most #humanz, unfortunately, are easily duped. We see it every day. Look at the millions of downloads of #malicious #apps from the various #AppStores, regardless of the hosts safeguards and #developer #VerificationMethods in place. However, this made me think of a #FlipperZero vector too. Just get close enough, and you could probably #hack it to affect the same result. They've already been used to hack #Ring doorbells with low effort. It's not that outlandish to think other #SmartDevices are out of reach.
#paranoid #ITPros #techenthusiests #humanz #malicious #apps #Appstores #developer #verificationmethods #FlipperZero #hack #ring #smartdevices