Oggi abbiamo votato in Commissione #Itre e #Agri il #PPWR, il regolamento sugli imballaggi in #UE. Ancora una volta gli emendamenti della #lega hanno difeso il comparto contro le ideologie green che miravano a rovinare un intero settore. Ci vuole pragmatismo e #buonsenso! https://t.co/muVHUHFh30
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/elenalizzi/status/1681667227525758978
#ITRE #AGRI #PPWR #UE #Lega #buonsenso
RT elena lizzi
Oggi in Commissione #ITRE abbiamo votato contro l'aumento dei prezzi #energia, a difesa del settore automotive con #Euro7 contro ideologie green e aumento fondi #ricerca per #HorizonEU. La #lega del buonsenso al lavoro per i cittadini e imprese italiane! https://t.co/MyKwIIZPif
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/elenalizzi/status/1681602234205782017
#ITRE #energia #Euro7 #ricerca #HorizonEU #Lega
RT Ryszard Pawlik
WAŻNE: stanowisko komisji #ITRE ws. reformy rynku energii #UE przyjęte właśnie dużą większością (55 za, 15 przeciw). Mimo prób i wysiłków m. in. @JerzyBuzek odrzucono, niestety - ważną dla 🇵🇱 - poprawkę warunkowo dopuszczającą wsparcie elektrowni węglowych z rynku mocy po 2025 r.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Ryszard_Pawlik/status/1681583746569347073
Late to the party, but what strikes me odd/interesting about the #EU #CyberResilienceAct and esp. the #ITRE recitals is how on one hand it looks very much as someone with deep understanding of #FOSS wrote it, but on the other hand also there is a massive and hurtful mismatch.
Designed by committee, I guess... But that's how it goes. I hope it turns out for the best
#eu #CyberResilienceAct #ITRE #foss
RT Cornelia Ernst
⚡️Today #ITRE voted it‘s report on the electricity market reform #EMR
Disappointing outcome:
❌ Marginal pricing remains untouched
❌ Price caps only in situations of extreme crisis
❌ No general bans on disconnection
This is NOT the way to go!
@Left_EU @MarinaMesure
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ErnstCornelia/status/1681581865281507328
#Rohstoffpolitik in Entwicklungspolitik einbauen, neue Kooperationsmöglichkeiten eröffnen, #Geopolitik betreiben - @rponline berichtet über meine Arbeit im #DEVE #ITRE @Europarl_DE @CDU_CSU_EP @cduberlin @Wachter__M @StefanRouenhoff
@CDU https://shorturl.at/ctzHJ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/hildebentele/status/1681278447350325248
#Rohstoffpolitik #geopolitik #DEVE #ITRE
RT Michael Gahler
Today’s approval of the agreement with the @EUCouncil on #EDIRPA by #SEDE and #ITRE paves the way to the plenary vote in September. With #EDIRPA Member States will for the first time procure jointly under the umbrella of an EU instrument, a historical step for #EuropeanDefence
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/gahler_michael/status/1681201750227730434
#EDIRPA #SEDE #ITRE #Europeandefence
RT Ryszard Pawlik
W @wnppl ciekawy tekst - z komentarzami niezastąpionych @AGawlikowskaFyk @BurnyMaciej - nt. reformy rynku energii #UE i zgłoszonej do niej w #ITRE m. in. przez @JerzyBuzek kluczowej dla 🇵🇱 poprawki ws. wsparcia z rynku mocy po 2025 r. elektrowni węglowych.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Ryszard_Pawlik/status/1678780382672744451
Great news!
We are proud of this EPP Group achievement led by @markuspiepermep!
#RED https://n.respublicae.eu/markuspieperMEP/status/1673977156488114179
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Markus Pieper: Renewable Energy First. 45% by 2030. Step towards a successful energy transition. Industry committee #ITRE just confirm the trilogue result on #RED. Brussels can technology open, innovative, fast permission procuderes. Thanks to everyone who helps with the "Pieper Report"! https://t.co/lEUg3wo0bR
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPPGroup/status/1673991617760448512
Erneuerbare Energien First. 45 % bis 2030. Schritt Richtung erfolgreiche Energiewende. Industrieausschuss #ITRE bestätigt jetzt das Trilog-Ergebnis zur #RED. Brüssel kann auch technologieoffen, innovativ, mit schnellen Genehmigungen. Dank allen, die beim "Pieper Bericht" helfen! https://t.co/j6BCIe9IT1
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/markuspieperMEP/status/1673975923794739201
Renewable Energy First. 45% by 2030. Step towards a successful energy transition. Industry committee #ITRE just confirm the trilogue result on #RED. Brussels can technology open, innovative, fast permission procuderes. Thanks to everyone who helps with the "Pieper Report"! https://t.co/lEUg3wo0bR
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/markuspieperMEP/status/1673977156488114179
#RED #RenewableEnergyDirective. Just agreement rapporteurs European Parliament to accept the Council's changes. Unnecessary delay but due to the overall very good result OK. Now on 28.6. Vote in #ITRE. Plenum finally gives green light in September.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/markuspieperMEP/status/1670736694348328962
#red #RenewableEnergyDirective #ITRE
RT Markus Pieper
#RED #ErneuerbareEnergienRichtlinie. Gerade Einigung Berichterstatter Europaparlament, die Änderungen des Rates zu akzeptieren. Unnötige Schleife aber dem insgesamt sehr guten Ergebnis geschuldet. Jetzt am 28.6. Abstimmung im #ITRE. Plenum gibt im September final grünes Licht.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/markuspieperMEP/status/1670735969459339264
#red #ErneuerbareEnergienRichtlinie #ITRE
Gestern 1. Austausch zur überarbeiteten Verordnung zu #Verpackungen & #Verpackungsabfall! #ITRE
Meine Prioritäten als Schattenberichterstatterin für @GreensEFA:
1⃣ Vermeidung > #Recycling
2⃣ klare #Kennzeichnung für bessere #Mülltrennung
3⃣ mehr unverpackte Produkte im Supermarkt
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RipaManuela/status/1661413940528656389
#Verpackungen #Verpackungsabfall #ITRE #recycling #Kennzeichnung #Mülltrennung
Are you a proactive team player, passionate about the green transition? Are you an expert in EU climate, energy, industrial & economic policies?
We are looking for a parliamentary assistant in Brussels responsible for assisting mainly on #ITRE Committee:
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/VilleNiinisto/status/1654070291767730177
On today's #ITRE deadline on the #CyberResilienceAct: Reporting cyber incidents should be as easy and efficient as possible. @enisa_eu should provide an online system for mandatory cyber incident reporting, where all requested information can be easily inserted.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ANiebler/status/1651582641567682560
Good news from the #ITRE committee on methane emissions.
#Methane is a major contributor to the global warming & the #energy sector accounts for a significant part of human-made methane emissions.
Looking forward to the final vote at the #EuropeanParliament.
RT @EP_Environment: Methane emissions
To reach EU climate goals and improve air quality, MEPs in @EP_Environment & @EP_Industry today adopted their position on reducing methane emissions in the energy secto…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/KadriSimson/status/1651231432415621123
#ITRE #methane #energy #EuropeanParliament
‼️‼️Komisje Przemysłu i Środowiska ( #ITRE i #ENVI ) zaakceptowały w głosowaniu poprawki kompromisowe, które de facto przedłużają życie polskim kopalniom.‼️‼️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IzabelaKloc/status/1651206283863764997
RT @IzabelaKloc: ‼️‼️Komisje Przemysłu i Środowiska ( #ITRE i #ENVI ) zaakceptowały w głosowaniu poprawki kompromisowe, które de facto przedłużają życie polskim kopalniom.‼️‼️ https://t.co/oNgOZQMoM6
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/E_Rafalska/status/1651208574347911169
Today's #ITRE meeting on the #CyberResilienceAct: Less bureaucratic processes for the cyber incident reporting are needed and #ENISA should provide for a convenient online system into which all requested information can be inserted.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ANiebler/status/1650831604057612288
#ITRE #CyberResilienceAct #ENISA