RT @iurc_lac: 24 delegates from IURC Latin America met at #CitiesForum2023 in Torino (Italy). They had the opportunity to visit the Torino Urban Lab, attended sessions led by high level urban experts and participated in thematic site visits around the city. #IURC
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LvNistelrooij/status/1636785850800566274
RT @iurc_lac: A delegation of officials from Genoa 🇮🇹carried out a study visit to Mar del Plata🇦🇷 from February 26 to March 1, 2023. They carried activities such as meetings with stakeholders, as well as visits to facilities related to tourism, sports and cultural activities. #IURC
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LvNistelrooij/status/1633485412839694338
RT @iurc_lac: On the study visit of the Atlantico (Colombia) 🇨🇴 delegation in North East (Romania) 🇹🇩 the three member of the Chamber of Commerce of Barraquilla participated in the Smart Health Forum and visited the Center for Management of Elderly and Healthy Aging. #IURC
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LvNistelrooij/status/1623802501399977986
RT @iurc_lac: 🚩On December 12, 2022, IURC Latin America held its tenth webinar on “#ParticipatoryPlanning & #CommunityEngagement”. The event brought together international experts from Italy🇮🇹 (Ileana Toscano) and Chile🇨🇱(Pablo Yáñez).
📽️Watch the webinar here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OKvA_S_7VA
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LvNistelrooij/status/1603741897704423424
#ParticipatoryPlanning #CommunityEngagement #IURC
#欧州 と世界各国の都市・地域が参加する #EU のプロジェクト、「国際都市地域間協力(#IURC)」の一環として、フィンランド・トゥルク市の一行が10月2日〜5日まで長野県の長野市と小布施町を訪問。#気候変動 対策や #再生可能エネルギー 分野において連携深化を目指す @EU_FPI @EUinmyRegion
#欧州 #EU #IURC #気候変動 #再生可能エネルギー