A very interesting pilot study looking at small fiber neuropathy in #LongCovid.
Small fiber nerves are unmyelinated and/or thinly myelinated sensory and autonomic nerves. They are more prone to environmental damage, but can also repair themselves.
Patients who received #IVIG showed >50% improvement.
I stayed awake the whole #IVIG treatment today, mostly tracing stencils in my #bujo to set up December. About halfway through I remembered to take my #hospitalglam selfie and, wow, my eyes really opted for dialing up the blue today, huh? The curls made sure to show up, too. #3bhair #3bcurls #curlyhair #curlygirl
#curlygirl #curlyhair #3bcurls #3bhair #hospitalglam #bujo #IVIG
@ricewithaspoon Hey! Zow, okay dan..dat was een zwaar traject zeg, heftig. Heb ook #CVID en om de week #IVIG..al zo’n 25 jaar..😷..de #Paxlovid werkte als een malle, op dag 4 al negatief en amper klachten, laat staan ziek..hoop dat je je rap weer beter voelt joh! Take care & hang in there! 👍🏻
Hey hey it's Infusion Day.
#scig #ivig #PrimaryImmune #ChronicIllness #ActuallyImmunocompromised
Reminder that this lifesaving medication is overpriced because plasma donors are underpaid which creates artificial scarcity and drives costs up for patients
[ID picture of an infusion pump dispensing immunogloblulin therapy. The pump is white with blue dials and the syringe is filled with a translucent fluid. A Nintendo Switch joycon sits to the upper right /ID]
#SCIG #IVIG #primaryimmune #chronicillness #actuallyimmunocompromised
Anyone else out there doing #IVIG or #SCIG #infusions or have #MyastheniaGravis ? Just a typical twice weekly event for me, to keep me going. Please enjoy my movie night themed pajama pants.
#IVIG #SCIG #infusions #myastheniagravis
Potverdikkie, jubileum in zicht..🎉..nog 30 dagen en dan 1000 dagen op de kop af in isolatie..😷..met dank aan onze beleidsmakers vanzelfsprekend! #isolatie #shielding #corona #CVID #hypogammaglobulinemie #IVIG
#IVIG #hypogammaglobulinemie #CVID #corona #shielding #isolatie