#Protests against #water cuts continue in #Dagestan
About 200 residents of Dagestan blocked the Astrakhan-Makhachkala federal highway in the #Kumtorkalinsky district of the republic. The #demonstrators demanded to take action in connection with the long absence of water in their homes. The section on the 470th kilometer of the road turned out to be blocked, the #protesters took to the road around 20:00.
“During the blocking of the road, a conflict arose between people demanding water supply to their homes, and drivers, outraged by the #fact of blocking the road and stopping traffic,” the police said. #Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs intervened in the conflict, to the so-called. More than 50 police officers were involved in "enforcing order". An hour and a half later, by 21:36, traffic was restored in the blocked area.
A traffic jam formed at the scene of the incident, 30 police officers began to regulate traffic to eliminate it. “In the course of communication with #citizens, the conflict was extinguished. At present, the citizens have dispersed, the situation is under control,” the Ministry of Internal Affairs noted.
In this microdistrict, the supply of water and electricity has been turned off for a week, writes the telegram channel Mash Gor.
In the middle of last week, residents of Makhachkala blocked one of the central streets of the city due to power outages. The population of several cities and regions of the republic was left without electricity due to the heat that is in the region. The Dagestan authorities attributed the interruptions to the established abnormally hot weather (up to 43 degrees Celsius) and promised to suppress the protests.
As usual, the authorities blame everything... the population itself. "The current situation is primarily due to the chaotic high-rise buildings, the uncalculated capacity of energy facilities and illegal connections to the power grid," the prosecutor's office says. Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov instructed to deal with the situation in the republic. The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under the article on negligence (part 1 of article 293 of the Criminal Code) due to "long" and "systematic" blackouts
#protests #water #Dagestan #kumtorkalinsky #demonstrators #protesters #fact #employees #citizens #kras #russian #IWA
CNT-AIT has a new statement rightfully denouncing the transphobia of the CNT-CIT. I would remind them to look into their own organization with the IWA-AIT Asia-Pacific Sub-secretariat defending transphobes in the Philippine and Australian sections (MK-IWA and ASF-IWA respectively).
Nothing but silence from the other sections. Not just silence, but the IWA-AIT actively covers up the transphobia.
#transphobia #transfobia #IWA #ait #anarchism
Sunday morning reading in bed before the family wakes up. Cracking stuff from the #IWA in the #WelshAgenda
Sunday morning reading in bed before the family wakes up. Cracking stuff from the #IWA in the #WelshAgenda
Både kongressen og jubileet ble meget vellykkede. De ble utmerket organisert av det spanske CNT-AIT i byen Alcoy. Det deltok delegater og observatører på kongressen (og tilstelningene) fra Sør-Amerika, Asia, Oseania og Europa!
Dette lover meget godt for IAA`s videre arbeid. IAA er en unik Internasjonal som ikke lar seg intergrere i klassesamarbeidssystemene:
Lenge leve IAA og anarkosyndikalismen!
Videoreportasje med intervjuer på engelsk og spansk:
#syndicalisme #iwa
Regjeringa går baklengs inn i krisa. Arbeiderpartiet (AP) og Senterpartiet (SP) foreslo i sitt statsbudsjettforslag for 2023 usosiale kutt som for eksempel kutt av dagpenger, og så lar de SV «redde» det etterpå og det blir beskrevet som en stor seier.
Les artikkelen:
#syndikalisme #fagforening #statsbudsjett #Norsktut #iwa #nsf-iaa
#syndikalisme #fagforening #statsbudsjett #Norsktut #IWA #NSF
This account is dedicated to sharing interesting and useful text and media about the theory and practice of anarcho-syndicalism.
I am a member of the Solidarity Federation, the British section of the International Workers' Association.
#anarcho-syndicalism #anarchosyndicalism #anarchism #syndicalism #union #ClassStruggle #DirectAction #SolidarityFederation #Solfed #IWA #AIT
#anarcho #anarchosyndicalism #anarchism #Syndicalism #union #classstruggle #DirectAction #solidarityfederation #Solfed #IWA #ait
RT @IWAAIT@twitter.com
#Belgrade 🔴⚫️ Direktna Akcija! 📰 #ASI #IWA #AIT Support the working class press! 🌐 https://issuu.com/direktna.akcija
RT @IWAAIT@twitter.com
Workers Solidarity Alliance: Solidarity statement on Palestine 🌐 https://ideasandaction.info/2021/05/wsa-solidarity-statement-palestine
RT @IWAAIT@twitter.com
Anarcho-syndicalists in Serbia supported the Fiat workers' struggle 👇👇 Anarhosindikalistička inicijativa - ASI #IWA #AIT
🔴 Protest radnika FIAT-a https://n9.cl/o6jem
⚫️ Анархо-синдикалисты Сербии поддержали борьбу рабочих "Фиата" https://aitrus.info/node/5971 @cras_ait@twitter.com
RT @IWAAIT@twitter.com
Despite the turbulent political and social atmosphere in #Pakistan, Workers Solidarity Federation (@WorkersSolidar1@twitter.com) comrades protest in front of the #Karachi Press Club for an end to the #war in Ukraine. Internationalist #solidarity. ✊🏾 #WSF #IWA @AsiaIwa@twitter.com
#pakistan #karachi #war #solidarity #WSF #IWA
IWA-AIT call for International Week Against Unpaid Wages
The International Workers' Association – Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores (IWA-AIT) called for International Week Against Unpaid Wages, to take place in the third week of October. Below, Freedom reproduces IWA's call-out.
The International Week Against Unpaid Wages
#DirectAction #IWA-AIT #SolidarityFederation #workersrights
#directaction #IWA #solidarityfederation #workersrights
RT @IWAAIT@twitter.com
REPRESSION reaches the #Madrid Assembly.
First protests against the segregation by neighborhoods in Madrid. The Police repress in suburban working-class neighborhoods such as #Vallecas, besides the city center.
#Solidarity #IWA #AIT #ConfinamientoDeClase #confinamientomadrid 🌐
#madrid #vallecas #solidarity #IWA #ait #ConfinamientoDeClase #confinamientomadrid
RT @IWAAIT@twitter.com
Give a warm welcome and follow to our comrades from @AsiaIwa@twitter.com Asia-Pacific IWA.
Comprising #IWA affiliates @ASF_IWA@twitter.com (Australia), BASF-IWA (Bangladesh), @muktivadi@twitter.com MEM-IWA (India) and PPAS (Indonesia). Greetings and welcome!
A few takeaways from this morning's #RethinkingWales event from the #IWA. I'm going to post them, without comment, here under that hashtag so you can filter them out if you want.
Today's #IWA event #RethinkingWales - Wales' future economy. 11am at a screen near me.
Been thinking of doing it for a while but finally subscribed to the Institute of Welsh Affairs.
#IWA #Wales #InformedDebate #ThinkTank
#thinktank #InformedDebate #Wales #IWA