RT @proletarianrage@twitter.com
#InternationalWomensDay #IWD2021 #8Μαρτιου https://twitter.com/proletarianrage/status/1279079682508492801
#8Μαρτιου #IWD2021 #internationalwomensday
RT @andreuibanez@twitter.com
Hoy es el dia, y el gran equipo de #Womentechmakers #Spain realizan su evento #IWD2021 #IWD21Spain para atender registraros y disfrutar del evento multi sala desde http://bit.ly/RSVP-WTMSPConnect
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/andreuibanez/status/1383330134346764294
#womentechmakers #spain #IWD2021 #IWD21Spain #CouragetoCreate
❤这是Stemettes导师凯瑟琳博士就 #IWD2021 主题的肺腑之言。
:icon_weibo: https://weibo.com/7466310624/K5pbllaNh
RT @BlxckMosquito@twitter.com
In der mexikanischen Stadt #Veracruz kam es bei der Demonstration zum Internationalen Frauentag zu massiven Spannungen mit der Polizei, hier gab es auch Glasbruch an Gebäuden.
#Mexiko #InternationalWomensDay #IWD2021 #8M2021 #InternationalerFrauentag
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BlxckMosquito/status/1369146837563768833
#veracruz #mexiko #internationalwomensday #IWD2021 #8M2021 #InternationalerFrauentag
🌎👧 Who run the world? Engineering GIRLS.
Android's @FMuntenescu found her love for computer science at 9 years old, thanks to her mom taking her to computer classes.
Learn more about her story →
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/AndroidDev/status/1369166035409108994
💪🎉 @GoogleCloud celebrates #IWD2021!
We are excited to announce our new partnerships with @WomenWhoCode, @womenincloud, @AAfricanWomen, @PinkProgramming, and @codingblackfems.
Read to learn more ↓
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/googledevs/status/1369105658075832325
Donya Douglas-Bradshaw’s advice? Be purposeful. Douglas-Bradshaw (on the left) is the project manager for the #LucyMission, which will launch later this year and travel to the Trojan asteroids - asteroids that lead and follow Jupiter in its orbit around the Sun. #IWD2021 pic.twitter.com/dYvvqepgfo https://twitter.com/NASASolarSystem/status/1369090558912831488
👑 For @queencodemonkey, a #GDE and Senior Android Developer on @Trello, a love of asking questions and an unexpected class in high school kick started her career in code.
Learn more about her story as she offers advice for upcoming devs →
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/AndroidDev/status/1369071007097585671
RT @Persia_xo
Happy #IWD2021
Can't wait to share some updates on @XOAcademyFGC very soon. 💕
Determination – #LucyMission team member and planetary scientist Amy Simon’s word of advice. Dr. Simon is one of many determined women who make exploration of our solar system possible. nasa.gov/lucy Happy #InternationalWomensDay! #IWD2021 pic.twitter.com/Xx5OzgIaxF https://twitter.com/NASASolarSystem/status/1369050466101981185
#LucyMission #internationalwomensday #IWD2021
👏 The future is female and so is the Director of Engineering @Meetup!
Learn more about @brwngrldev's journey, work as an Android @GoogleDevExpert, and more →
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/AndroidDev/status/1369031224635912194
RT @datagouvfr@twitter.com
[Fil] À l'occasion de la journée internationale des droits des femmes, nous souhaitons mettre en lumière quelques jeux de données et réutilisations disponibles sur http://data.gouv.fr ⬇️
#OpenData #JourneeDesDroitsDesFemmes #8mars #IWD2021
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/datagouvfr/status/1368993640144633858
#IWD2021 #8mars #journeedesdroitsdesfemmes #opendata
RT Google Developers
🤩 Celebrating #IWD2021 with a series dedicated to women in tech!
Meet 21 trailblazers who are sharing their accomplishments, contributions and dedication to making the developer community more welcoming and inclusive for women.
Read their stories →
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/googledevs/status/1368994130169229313
RT @MwangoCapital@Twitter.com
3/ Banking in Subsharana Africa:
"only 37 percent of women have a bank account, compared with 48 percent of men, a gap that has only widened over the past several years"
#Bitcoin :bitcoin: #SubSaharan #Africa #Unbanked #Banked #Women #Bank #Account
#account #bank #women #banked #unbanked #africa #SubSaharan #bitcoin #IWD2021
RT @LoujainHathloul@twitter.com
كل عام ونساء العالم بحال أفضل #يوم_المراه_العالمي
Happy #IWD2021
Bonne #JourneeDeLaFemme
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LoujainHathloul/status/1368942969450074113
#journeedelafemme #IWD2021 #يوم_المراه_العالمي
RT @LoujainHathloul@twitter.com
كل عام ونساء العالم بحال أفضل #يوم_المراه_العالمي
Happy #IWD2021
Bonne #JourneeDeLaFemme
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LoujainHathloul/status/1368942969450074113
#يوم_المراه_العالمي #IWD2021 #journeedelafemme
🤩 Celebrating #IWD2021 with a series dedicated to women in tech!
Meet 21 trailblazers who are sharing their accomplishments, contributions and dedication to making the developer community more welcoming and inclusive for women.
Read their stories →
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/googledevs/status/1368994130169229313
On International Women’s Day, meet some of @nasa’s leading explorers: solarsystem.nasa.gov/people and watch for one-on-one profiles during the next few weeks. #IWD2021 pic.twitter.com/WLkvlEqNYw https://twitter.com/NASASolarSystem/status/1369000083417534464
Olga Vassilieu is the branch manager of @nasa's International Space Station Vehicle Management Integration Office. NASA is observing Women's History Month in March recognizing the vital role of women in American history. #ChooseToChallenge #IWD2021 pic.twitter.com/6ZIoN2RH6k https://twitter.com/Space_Station/status/1368977315200339970