💻 #DataAct – fairer Zu- und Umgang mit industriellen Daten
🔥 Gasmarkt-Regeln – Rechte finanziell schwächerer Haushalte stärken
♀️ Internationaler Frauenkampftag – Gleichstellung in Europa vorantreiben #IWD23
🐝Bienen schützen – unverzichtbar für unsere Ökosysteme #SaveTheBees
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SPDEuropa/status/1635210331218903040
RT @UKinUkraine: This #IWD23 Dame HMA Melinda Simmons speaks about the women of 🇺🇦 and how the 🇷🇺 invasion has affected them.
Цього року в Міжнародний жіночий день пані Посол Великої Британії в Україні Дама Мелінда Сіммонс говорить про жінок України та про вплив на них російського вторгнення.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/vickyford/status/1633892285619347456
RT @SorchaEastwood: This #IWD23 there are many societal & legislative changes we will fight for to give us full equality.
But one that could be done really quickly if there was the will, is for BigTech to take immediate steps to stop to abuse & exploitation of women & girls online.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/naomi_long/status/1633634169082335232
Happy #IWD23! Celebrating women in #Europe! @vonderleyen @RobertaMetsola @GabrielMariya @McGuinnessEU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/mgracacarvalho/status/1633553773032353794
RT @EIT_Digital: #IWD23 Celebrating women all over the world, in particular #women in #innovation #stem #tech & #business. Members of the @EP_Industry in the @europarl_en @mgracacarvalho & @EvaMaydell are working towards #ClosingTheGap just as we at EIT Digital are @dtommei & @FedericoMennaIT
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/mgracacarvalho/status/1633504653890535424
#IWD23 #women #innovation #STEM #tech #business #ClosingTheGap
RT @eige_eu: Happy International Women’s Day! ✨
On this special day EIGE is taking a glance at the future. (1/2)
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1633482646222254082
RT @RasaOstrauskai2: What an inspiring way to mark #IWD23.
🙏 to @HelgaSchmid_SG for organizing a meeting with young women peacebuilers from #Ukraine, #Afghanistan, #Georgia, #Turkmenistan, & #Italy.
Your work, passion & dedication are so powerful, impactful, inspiring!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/euunvie/status/1633460243072950272
#IWD23 #Ukraine #Afghanistan #Georgia #Turkmenistan #Italy #womenpower #womenleaders
RT @EIT_Digital: #IWD23 Celebrating women all over the world, in particular #women in #innovation #stem #tech & #business. Members of the @EP_Industry in the @europarl_en @mgracacarvalho & @EvaMaydell are working towards #ClosingTheGap just as we at EIT Digital are @dtommei & @FedericoMennaIT
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EvaMaydell/status/1633463744289439746
#IWD23 #women #innovation #STEM #tech #business #ClosingTheGap
RT @ailbhes: #IWD23 March from the Spire at 5.30 and going to the Dáil. #IWD23MarchOn
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/paulmurphy_TD/status/1633455456810070016
RT @PSnaEuropa: ✊♀️👩
Dia Internacional da Mulher
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/PedroMarquesMEP/status/1633512827393839104
#iwd #IWD23 #WomenInternationalDay #socialistasportugueses
RT @EIT_Digital: #IWD23 Celebrating women all over the world, in particular #women in #innovation #stem #tech & #business. Members of the @EP_Industry in the @europarl_en @mgracacarvalho & @EvaMaydell are working towards #ClosingTheGap just as we at EIT Digital are @dtommei & @FedericoMennaIT
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EITeu/status/1633491790819913729
#IWD23 #women #innovation #STEM #tech #business #ClosingTheGap
RT @MSCecolabel: 1/2 🚺🎣Happy #InternationalWomensDay! We’re celebrating women in fishing and the resilience, hard work and strength of the women who work as fishers, processors, scientists and advocates and more!
#IWD #IWD23 #WomenInFishing #EmbraceEquity #SustainableFishing #MSCecolabel
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LinneaEngstrom/status/1633427548003598338
#InternationalWomensDay #iwd #IWD23 #WomenInFishing #EmbraceEquity #sustainablefishing #MSCecolabel
RT @EUvsDisinfo: Russia’s propaganda machine uses gendered disinformation discrediting Ukrainian women in various ways, relying on misogyny and societal stereotypes. Read more in the report by @DetectorMedia: 👇 https://detector.media/propahanda_vplyvy/article/203226/2022-09-28-prostitution-will-save-ukraine-from-the-default-investigating-russian-gender-disinformation-in-social-networks/
#StandWithUkraine #IWD23
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Bonn/status/1633457453135278082
RT @ProgIntl: Long live the Feminist International! #IWD23
Featuring Chantal Mouffe 🇧🇪, @InesAbdelrazek 🇵🇸, @IdoiaVR 🇪🇸, @leilachaibi 🇫🇷, @ericka_nanco 🇨🇱, @EliGAlcorta 🇦🇷, Aruna Roy 🇮🇳, @CHoffmanUNI 🇺🇸, @Farrell_Mairead 🇮🇪, @NazmaAkter73 🇧🇩, @t_ings 🇨🇳, @medeabenjamin, and @nilkoc50 .
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IdoiaVR/status/1633469394742288384
RT @boell_eu: @BoellStiftung @boell_gender @imme_scholz @gwi_boell @boell_secpol @EvandeRakt @TerryReintke @HNeumannMEP @StellaRonner @irenefellin @EuropeanWomen @SHE_curity @ABaerbock @GermanyDiplo @germanyintheeu @feministfp @GermanyUN @GermanyUNGeneva @GER_OSCE @GermanyCoE @GermanyNATO @GermanyUNVienna @unwomenEU 🟣 @GreensEFA MEP @HNeumannMEP outlines the building blocs of @GermanyDiplo's 🆕 Guidelines for #FeministForeignPolicy ➡️
#IWD23 #IWD2023 #Women @boell…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/HNeumannMEP/status/1633416936661954560
#feministforeignpolicy #IWD23 #IWD2023 #women
RT @EIT_Digital: #IWD23 Celebrating women all over the world, in particular #women in #innovation #stem #tech & #business. Members of the @EP_Industry in the @europarl_en @mgracacarvalho & @EvaMaydell are working towards #ClosingTheGap just as we at EIT Digital are @dtommei & @FedericoMennaIT
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/zofijamazej/status/1633406916280954880
#IWD23 #women #innovation #STEM #tech #business #ClosingTheGap
8 de março, Dia Internacional da Mulher.
Só quando eliminarmos a discriminação e acabarmos com qualquer tipo de violência, talvez possamos deixar de ter a absoluta obrigação de lembrar o dia de hoje.
Mas, até lá, ainda há muito caminho a fazer.
#IWD23 #InternationalWomensDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/PedroMarquesMEP/status/1633401512041873410
#IWD23 #InternationalWomensDay
Talið er að það muni taka 286 ár til viðbótar til þess að ná fullum jöfnuði kynjanna.
Menntun gegnir lykilhlutverki við að draga úr kynjaójöfnuði og því hefur ESB lýst árinu 2023 sem árs menntunar. Bindum enda á launamun kynjanna og lagalegt misrétti!
#EuropeanYearofSkills #IWD23
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinICELAND/status/1633441157974839296
RT @Soc_Intl: Message from our President @sanchezcastejon on March, 8
Happy women’s day 💜
#8M #IWD23 #InternationalWomensDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/jonasfernandez/status/1633433972733628416
#8M #IWD23 #InternationalWomensDay
The energy crisis is threatening women’s livelihoods, health, & wellbeing.
Feminist approaches to the energy transition are fundamental to guarantee women's rights but also to create a new energy model that works for women, for all people & for the planet!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Left_EU/status/1633406655822954496