RT @Left_EU: Since the pandemic began, Europe's billionaires grew $1 trillion richer!
At the same time, 95 million Europeans are at risk of poverty and social exclusion.
This is a sign of economic failure. Workers are fighting back. The Left stands with them.
Since the pandemic began, Europe's billionaires grew $1 trillion richer!
At the same time, 95 million Europeans are at risk of poverty and social exclusion.
This is a sign of economic failure. Workers are fighting back. The Left stands with them.
Aujourd'hui, à l'occasion de la Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleurs #IWMD22, le manifeste pour stopper les décès liés au travail est lancé par @etuc_ces. Je suis l'un des signataires. Car nous devons vraiment garantir #ZeroDeathAtWork. https://www.csee-etuce.org/images/Statements/Zerodeathatwork_manifesto_word_FR.pdf
RT @industriAll_EU: Almost 30,000 people may lose their lives at work in the EU over this decade, @etuc_ces is warning on International Workers’ Memorial Day.
This is unacceptable! We join the call on EU, national governments and employers to step up efforts for Zero Death at Work. #IWMD22
Campagne de @etuc_ces “Zero mort au travail” lancée ajd.
🇧🇪 Rappelons qu'en Belgique: Liantis a enregistré plus d’accidents du travail graves en 2021 qu’en 2020. Il faut plus d'inspections & doubler nombre d'inspecteurs! Santé et sécurité au travail = un droit. #IWMD22
Heute ist der Workers’ Memorial Day🕯️#IWMD22, an dem wir den vom Kapital getöten Arbeiter:innen gedenken und uns daran erinnern, mit aller Kraft für die Lebenden zu kämpfen!
RT @ituc: 📌International Workers’ Memorial Day – 28 April #IWMD22
📢Unions call for workplace health and safety to become a fundamental right for working people.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JeanLambertLDN/status/1519666198358675456
RT @LincolnTUSC@twitter.com
Today is International Workers Memorial Day #IWMD #IWMD2022 #IWMD22
No one should ever go to work and not come back.
@TUSCoalition@twitter.com pledges to remember the dead, and fight like hell for the living.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LincolnTUSC/status/1519577678440980482
RT @MrChrisMcDonald: On International Workers' Memorial Day, let's also recognise the potentially fatal consequences of workplace stress and mental health. Workplace safety is a fundamental right and that starts with changing attitudes and behaviours.
💔💔💔 #ZeroDeathAtWork 💔💔💔
RT @etuc_ces: Number of workplace deaths expected this decade without action to make workplaces safer
🇵🇹 481
🇵🇱 563
🇦🇹 694
🇨🇿 851
🇷🇴 1,451
🇩🇪 3,143
🇪🇸 3,191
🇮🇹 3,434
🇫🇷 7,803
🇪🇺 27,041
But we could achieve zero deaths at work by 2030 if politicians are willing to act #IWMD22
Today, on the International Workers' Memorial Day #IWMD22, the @etuc_ces manifesto on stopping work-related deaths is launched.
I am one of the signatories - because we truly need to ensue #ZeroDeathAtWork.
We can do more - and we need to more! #eudk
RT @etuc_ces: #ZeroDeathAtWork
ETUC launches manifesto signed by Ministers, MEPs, trade union leaders, occupational health and safety organisations and experts
Manifesto calls f…
#IWMD22 #ZeroDeathAtWork #eudk
RT @etuc_ces: We call on the European Union 🇪🇺, its member state governments, and employers to genuinely commit, and take the actions needed, to achieve
#IWMD22 @NicolasSchmitEU @EU_Social
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/a_jongerius/status/1519609115886166016
Vandaag is het International Workers Memorial Day #IWMD22
Elke dag sterven 12 Europeanen door of op hun werk. Dodelijke incidenten nemen af, maar ziektes door het werk nemen toe.
Geen baan is het waard om voor te sterven.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/a_jongerius/status/1519600644755234816
RT @nvillumsen: Today, on the International Workers' Memorial Day #IWMD22, the @etuc_ces manifesto on stopping work-related deaths is launched.
I am one of the signatories - because we truly need to ensue #ZeroDeathAtWork.
We can do more - and we need to more! #eudk
#IWMD22 #ZeroDeathAtWork #eudk
Since the pandemic began, Europe's billionaires grew $1 trillion richer!
At the same time, 95 million Europeans are at risk of poverty and social exclusion.
This is a sign of economic failure. Workers are fighting back. The Left stands with them.
RT @etuc_ces: #ZeroDeathAtWork
ETUC launches manifesto signed by Ministers, MEPs, trade union leaders, occupational health and safety organisations and experts
Manifesto calls for serious action by EU & MS to actually achieve an end to deaths at work!!
RT @etuc_ces: We call on the European Union 🇪🇺, its member state governments, and employers to genuinely commit, and take the actions needed, to achieve
#IWMD22 @NicolasSchmitEU @EU_Social
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1519603587374006272
RT @etuc_ces: Number of workplace deaths expected this decade without action to make workplaces safer
🇵🇹 481
🇵🇱 563
🇦🇹 694
🇨🇿 851
🇷🇴 1,451
🇩🇪 3,143
🇪🇸 3,191
🇮🇹 3,434
🇫🇷 7,803
🇪🇺 27,041
But we could achieve zero deaths at work by 2030 if politicians are willing to act #IWMD22
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1519603558152351744
On #IWMD22 we support the campaign to stop deaths at work!
RT @etuc_ces: #ZeroDeathAtWork
ETUC launches manifesto signed by Ministers, MEPs, trade union leaders, occupational health and safety organisations and experts
Manifesto calls for serious action by EU & MS to actually achieve an end to deaths at work!!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1519601296298422273
#ZeroDeathAtWork #IWMD22 #IWMD2022
RT @etuc_ces: #ZeroDeathAtWork
Nous lançons un manifeste signé par des ministres, députés européens, dirigeants syndicaux, organisations de santé et de sécurité au travail et des experts
Nous appellons à une action sérieuse pour parvenir à mettre fin aux décès au travail !
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1519600961026674688